438 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS dharm \M-therm\Th9-3.pm5 Solution. Mass of oxygen, mO 2 = 4 kg Mass of nitrogen, mN 2 = 6 kg Pres ...
GASES AND VAPOUR MIXTURES 439 dharm \M-therm\Th9-3.pm5 +Example 9.19. 4 kg of carbon dioxide at 40°C and 1.4 bar are mixed with ...
440 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS dharm \M-therm\Th9-3.pm5 ∴ p(CO ) 22 = 0.7 ×^00909 03766 . . = 0.17 bar Similarly, p(N ) 22 = 0.7 ...
GASES AND VAPOUR MIXTURES 441 dharm \M-therm\Th9-3.pm5 Now entropy change in the mixing process is given by ∆S = mmON 2 ∆∆ss(O ) ...
442 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS dharm \M-therm\Th9-3.pm5 and pVNN 22 = mRTNNN 222 ∴ mN 2 = 610 015 8 314 28 303 10 5 3 ×× F HG I ...
GASES AND VAPOUR MIXTURES 443 dharm \M-therm\Th9-3.pm5 ∴∆S = () ()∆∆SSHN 22 + = 0.00626 + 0.424 = 0.43026 kJ/K i.e., Total chang ...
444 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS dharm \M-therm\Th9-3.pm5 = 4 × 0.745 loge 323 298 + 6 × 0.653 loge 323 298 = 0.5557 kJ/K. (Ans.) ...
GASES AND VAPOUR MIXTURES 445 dharm \M-therm\Th9-3.pm5 In a mixture of gases, the partial pressure pi of any constituent gas ca ...
446 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS dharm \M-therm\Th9-3.pm5 A mixture of CO and O 2 is to be prepared in the proportion of 7 kg to ...
GASES AND VAPOUR MIXTURES 447 dharm \M-therm\Th9-3.pm5 gases mix adiabatically. Calculate : (i) The final temperature and pressu ...
448 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS dharm \M-therm\Th9-3.pm5 (i) The temperature of the equilibrium mixture, (ii) The pressure of the ...
10 Psychrometrics 10.1. Concept of psychrometry and psychrometrics. 10.2. Definitions. 10.3. Psychrometric relations. 10.4. Psyc ...
450 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS dharm \M-therm\Th10-1.pm5 Wet-bulb temperature (WBT). It is the temperature registered by a ther ...
PSYCHROMETRICS 451 dharm \M-therm\Th10-1.pm5 Specific humidity W : Specific humidity =Mass of water vapour Mass of dry air or W ...
452 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS dharm \M-therm\Th10-1.pm5 i.e., μ= W Ws ...(10.6) where, Ws = Specific humidity of air when air i ...
PSYCHROMETRICS 453 dharm \M-therm\Th10-1.pm5 Enthalpy of moist air It is the sum of enthalpy of dry air and enthalpy of water va ...
454 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS dharm \M-therm\Th10-1.pm5 thermal equilibrium exists with respect to water, air and water vapour, ...
PSYCHROMETRICS 455 dharm \M-therm\Th10-1.pm5 Equation (10.15) indicates that the enthalpy of an air-water vapour mixture is equa ...
456 ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS dharm \M-therm\Th10-1.pm5 content has a low wet bulb temperature ; humid air that has a high mois ...
PSYCHROMETRICS 457 dharm \M-therm\Th10-1.pm5 Constant relative humidity lines in per cent are indicated by marking off vertical ...
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