The Foundations of Buddhism
The Word of Buddha: Scriptures and Schools 41 whole does not possess a 'canon' of scriptures in the manner of the Hebrew Bible o ...
42 The Word of Buddha: Scriptures and Schools 'sanskritization' ('translation' is too strong here since the order of difference ...
The Word of Buddha: Scriptures and Schools 43 -also known as the four Agamas or books of textual 'tradition' -along with the Vin ...
44 The Word of Buddha: Scriptures and Schools (ekottarikiigama!atiguttara-nikiiya) consists of short siitras built around such a ...
The Word of Buddha: Scriptures and Schools 45 also recognized as having the authority of the Buddha's word. This fifth collectio ...
46 The Word of Buddha: Scriptures and Schools Buddhists can therefore be seen as claiming a status on a par with the Vedas for t ...
The Word of Buddfta: Scriptures and Schools 47 to examine and consider the teaching in order to see if it con- forms to what the ...
48 The Word of Buddha: Scriptures and Schools it is the Abhidharma par excellence that represents the earliest attempt to give a ...
The Word of Buddha: Scriptures and Schools 49 the status of the Buddha's word, it is clear that they did not seek to question th ...
so The Word of Buddha: Scriptures and Schools Two communal ceremonies are fundamental to the constitu- tion of the Sangha; the f ...
The Word of Buddha: Scriptures and Schools 51 doctrinal grounds. What was of public concern was living by the monastic rules, no ...
52 The Word of Buddha: Scriptures and Schools into two: the reformist sthaviras (Pali thera) or 'elders' and the majority mahiis ...
The Word of Buddha: Scriptures and Schools 53 future] exist' (sarviisti-viidin). Yet another group were known as 'advocates of t ...
54 The Word of Buddha: Scriptures and Schools become an issue in determining whether he could participate in the formal ceremoni ...
The Word of Buddha: Scriptures and Schools 55 to acknowledge freely that its new literary productions did not have the status of ...
56 The Word of Buddha: Scriptures and Schools of the Sarvastivada from the perspective of the Sautrantika school. In English tra ...
The Word of Buddha: Scriptures and Schools 57 along sectarian lines; monks from various of the existing schools would have been ...
58 The Word of Buddha: Scriptures and Schools vijiitina) and the ideas and information ( vijiiapti) it processes, there is nothi ...
3 Four Truths The Disease, the Cause, the Cure, the Medicine The orientation of the Buddha's teaching What did the Buddha teach? ...
6o Four Truths speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration.^2 The temptation to ...
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