Programming and Graphics
6.8 Algebra on real numbers 169 void algebra::print() const { cout << x <<""<<color << endl; } //--- voi ...
170 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics Problems 6.8.1.A point in the plane defines a vector starting at the origin,x=0 ...
6.9 Operator overloading 171 + - * / = < > += <<= >>= == != <= >= ++ -- ~ &= ^= |= && || %= ...
172 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics void operator ++ (); The associated class implementation is: void algebra::oper ...
6.10 Pointers to class members 173 prints on the screen: 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.9 1.2 5.3 Problems 6.9.1.Overload the multiplication oper ...
174 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics can be replaced by: pnt->print(); Note the “ASCII art” pointer designation o ...
6.11 The class of points in a plane 175 6.11 The class of points in a plane As a further example, we consider the class of point ...
176 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics The implementation of the non-intrusivegetyfunction is: double point::gety() co ...
6.11 The class of points in a plane 177 Setbequal to theycoordinate of pointA: doubleb=A.gety(); Print the coordinates of poi ...
178 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics Problems 6.11.1. (a) Overload the ++ operator such that a point is reflected wi ...
6.12 The class of runners 179 The implementation of the parametered constructor is: runner::runner(string runnername, string run ...
180 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics The implementation of theprintfunction is: void runner::print() const { cout< ...
6.12 The class of runners 181 The following main function contained in the reads the properties of the runners fro ...
182 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics int main() { runner member[200]; // will hold up to 200 runners runner fastest; ...
6.13 Header files and projects 183 6.12.2. Endow the runners with an additional integer field expressing their birth year. 6.12. ...
184 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics The source file “” contains the class implementation: #include<io ...
6.14 Inheritance 185 appears both in the main function and class implementation. The union of the source files, header files, an ...
186 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics The only new feature is that we have replaced the statement: private: with the ...
6.14 Inheritance 187 Roses are flowers Next, we define the derived class of roses, which can be either garden or long-stem roses ...
188 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics Running the program prints on the screen: tulip black $4.99 annual red flower f ...
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