Programming and Graphics
2.3 Data types 29 Once declared, a numerical variable can be initialized or evaluated. For example, we may write: int a; a=875; ...
30 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics The statement: int a = 023; with a leading zero (0), implies a=2× 81 +3× 80. The ...
2.3 Data types 31 When the characterais printed, it appears as the letter B. Alternatively, we may define: char a; a = ’B’; or e ...
32 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics Typ e Description Byte size short int Short integer 2 short Ranges from -32768 t ...
2.3 Data types 33 char short int long must be at least as large as the one preceding it. The same applies to the floating point ...
34 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics typedef unsigned int hronos; The data typesunsigned intandhronosare now synonyms ...
2.4 Vectors, arrays, and composite data types 35 Vectors In C++, a one-dimensional array (vector)viis declared asv[n], where nis ...
36 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics and the array of strings: string A[9][38]; Successiverowsof a matrix are stored ...
2.4 Vectors, arrays, and composite data types 37 convey expected meanings: int o1.p1; float o1.p2; double o2.p3; char o1.p4; The ...
38 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics where bitter is encoded as 4, sweet is encoded as 5, salty is encoded as 6, hot ...
2.5 System header files 39 For example, putting at the beginning of the code the statement: #include <iostream> instructs ...
40 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics Problems 2.5.1.Locate the directory hosting theiostreamheader file in your compu ...
2.7 Compiling in Unix 41 where the three dots denote additional lines of code. This fundamental pattern will be used as a templa ...
42 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics Other compilation options are available, as explained in the compiler manual inv ...
2.7 Compiling in Unix 43 makeis a Unix application that reads information from the filemakefile orMakefilein the working directo ...
44 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics Postscript is a computer language like C++. A postscript printer un- derstands t ...
2.8 Simple codes 45 int main() { int year; year = 1821; cout << year << "\n"; return 0; } The output of the code is: ...
46 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics The output of the code is: 6 peace on earth The firstcoutstatement prints the va ...
Programming in C++^3 Having illustrated the general structure of a C++ program, we now turn to discussing the basic operators, c ...
48 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics Addition (+): We may write c=a+b; Subtraction (-): We may write c=a-b; Mult ...
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