Programming and Graphics
Classes and Objects^6 The intelligent mind has a natural tendency to classify objects, items, concepts, and abstract notions int ...
150 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics Generic: Group Member Action Maths: Space Element Operation OOP: Class Object M ...
6.1 Class objects and functions 151 6.1 Class objects and functions An apple can be declared and initialized as a member of the ...
152 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics Problem 6.1.1.If thestringdata type were not available, what would be a sensibl ...
6.3 Class definition 153 Destructors Destructors are member functions that delete an object for revenge or to free up memory and ...
154 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics Default constructor Our first public definition is the default constructor. The ...
6.3 Class definition 155 fruit(q, w, ..., e); ... private: ... }; Like the default constructor, the parametered constructor does ...
156 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics public: fruit(); fruit(q, w, ..., e); ~fruit(); ... private: ... }; To abandon ...
6.3 Class definition 157 class fruit { public: fruit(); fruit(q, w, ..., e); string readcolor(a, b, ..., c) const; void change(g ...
158 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics q = valueq; w = valuew; ... e = valuee; } where “valueq”, “valuesw”, etc., are ...
6.4 Private fields, public fields, and global variables 159 class fruit { public: fruit(); { q=dvq; w=dvw; e=dve; } fruit(q, w, ...
160 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics public: fruit(); fruit(q, w, ..., e); ~fruit(); string readcolor(a, b, ..., c) ...
6.5 The fruit class 161 To operate on an apple with this function, we write: fruit apple = fruit(valueq, valuew, ,...valuee); ap ...
162 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics size = 1.2; } The implementation of the parametered constructor is: fruit::frui ...
6.6 Friends 163 Running this program prints on the screen: green green red yellow Because the attributecolorhas been declared as ...
164 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics string readcolor(bool Iprint) const; void changecolor(string newcolor); private ...
6.7 Circles and squares 165 The circles are defined by their center and radius, and the squares are defined by their center and ...
166 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics The square class implementation is: //--- SQUARE CLASS IMPLEMENTATION square::s ...
6.8 Algebra on real numbers 167 Problems 6.7.1.Add to the circle class a member function that computes and prints the area of a ...
168 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics void print() const; void shift(double string); private: double x; string color; ...
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