Programming and Graphics
3.5 The mathematical library 69 m= abs(n) Absolute value of an integer,n y=acos(x) Arc cosine, 0 ≤y≤π y=asin(x) Arc sine,−π/ 2 ≤ ...
70 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics double result; // Resulting value char oper; // Operator cout << "Please e ...
3.6 Read from a file and write to a file 71 Read from a file To read from a file namedstresses.dat, we simply associate the file ...
72 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics cout << i << " " << a[i] << endl; i++; } file9.close(); ...
3.6 Read from a file and write to a file 73 Parameter Meaning in Input mode (default for a file of theifstreamclass) out Output ...
74 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics Problems 3.6.1.Write a program that reads from a file a vector with three elemen ...
3.7 Formatted input and output 75 prints on the screen the pattern: +---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+ The co ...
76 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics Manipulator Manipulator Comment setw(n) width(n) Set the minimum field width set ...
3.7 Formatted input and output 77 double y=exp(x); cout << setprecision(2) << setw(5) << x << " "; cout ...
78 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics } return 0; } The internal C++ functionrandgenerates random integers ranging fro ...
3.7 Formatted input and output 79 /*------loop over student grades----------------*/ while(file2 >> grade[i][j]) // read t ...
80 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics 3.7.2.Pascal’s triangle appears as 1 11 121 1331 14641 1 5 10 10 5 1 ··········· ...
3.8 Sample algorithms 81 Maximum and minimum of an array The algorithm implemented in the following code identifies the maximum ...
82 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics Indexing an array Now we want to index the elements of the arraya[l],forl=1,..., ...
3.8 Sample algorithms 83 In thebubble-sortalgorithm, we first find the highest number, and put it at the bottom of the list. Thi ...
84 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics The output of the code is: -0.9 -0.5 -0.3 0.3 1.9 Selection sort In theselection ...
3.9 Bitwise operators 85 The C++ compiler interprets the “greater than” or “less than” comparison in the expected alphabetical s ...
86 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics Shift operators The commands: short a=50; short b; b=a<<3; cout << a ...
3.9 Bitwise operators 87 Bitwise operator Binary operation << left shift >> right shift & and | or ^ xor (exclus ...
88 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics For example, the following code contained in the filebinary.ccwritten by Fred Sw ...
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