who imposed various modernist, nationalist, socialist, or even royalist regimes.^28 In some cases, anti-colonial independence mo ...
would contest the hegemony of Church and demand separation of Church and State.^30 In practice, Islam legitimated a system of va ...
from Muslim backgrounds; most, however, are likely to be found in Western societies. Religion and Politics: Among the primary te ...
izens, members of an “imaginary community” the Nation-State. Secular Western style governments separate from the Church, with re ...
the interest in many of the young in Western popular culture, much to the chagrin of their elders). There have been progressive ...
respectively. Muslim societies are also distinctively less permissive toward homosexuality, abortion, and divorce.... These issu ...
wins. And often their sons assume power after them. While for the West this is considered anti-democratic despotism, nepotism an ...
of opportunities for meaningful work. Traditional forms of agriculture, arti- san labor and petty bourgeois trade are rendered o ...
fundamentalism in the last several decades is a wail that reflects the real pain and suffering of the oppressed, downtrodden and ...
They seize on historical moments and reinterpret them in light of this cosmic struggle; They demonize their opposition and are ...
enemy, for the latter is more interested in education, democratic reforms, and economic progress than in preserving the spiritua ...
attempts to reinscribe and reinforce “essential” male/female differences and privilege male authority.^41 Fundamentalist religio ...
orthodoxy. But it is not simply modern values that are disdained; there are a number of actual grievances ranging from the suppo ...
lence and evil) that explained the distributions of fortune and why they were typically unequal. For Weber, suffering came not s ...
and its general support for dictatorships, or Indian control of Kashmir. To be sure, the jihadiagenda is often nihilistic. Terro ...
ination by foreigners, especially the Great Satan, or local proxies allied to the Great Satan, from Saudi princes to Israeli PMs ...
The Fun of Fundamentalism One of the key points of the Frankfurt School was to incorporate depth psy- chology into the critique ...
ity relations (of earlier generations) become internalized as an enduring part of character, and in turn, how does the socializa ...
Eric Fromm initiated the incorporation of depth psychology into the Frankfurt School’s critique of domination. To do so, he move ...
compared to harsh realities and denigrated selfhood, through its promises of a better life to come. How and why do people, espec ...
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