Adobe Lightroom For Beginners (2021)
IMAGE SHARPENING WITH THE DETAIL PANEL 5 The Amount slider controls the degree by which the edge contrast is increased, while th ...
1 To create a good merged panorama, it’s vital to start with a suitable sequence of images. First, to avoid distortion don’t use ...
CREATE PANORAMAS WITH PHOTO MERGE 5 There are several options on the preview panel. At the top are buttons to select the Project ...
1 To get started with HDR Merge you need a sequence of photos of the same scene, with varying of the exposure between shots: som ...
ENHANCE WITH HDR PHOTO MERGE 5 There are several options on the HDR Merge Preview panel. Auto Align is useful if you captured yo ...
1 You can find the Presets panel near the top of the left-hand sidebar. When selecting presets to use, the Navigator panel is ve ...
INSTANT EDITS WITH LIGHTROOM PRESETS 5 Some filters are more appropriate for different types of shot. For example, the Infrared ...
The satellite systems employed by governments and companies are so accurate, they can pinpoint your location to within a couple ...
Contents 90 Before and after: advanced effects 92 Introducing the map module 93 Navigator 93 The map view 93 Zoom control 93 Met ...
AFTER Advanced Effects Lightroom’s extended features and effects are probably some of the best you’ll come across in the design ... 91 BEFORE AND AFTER: ADVANCED EFFECTS ...
Introducing the Map Module The Map Module is where you can organise your photos based on the location in which they were shot. B ...
5 8 INTRODUCING THE MAP MODULE 1 The navigation tool shows a zoomed-out view of the current map location. This enables you to se ...
1 Mobile phones, many compact cameras and some other devices have built-in satellite location technology (GPS) and automatically ...
USING IMAGE LOCATION DATA 5 At the bottom of the map screen you can see a new notification appear, that gives you the name and p ...
1 If you have photos that were taken in a specific area, for instance on a foreign holiday, you can quickly sort and organise th ...
ORGANISING IMAGES BY LOCATION 5 We have a group of photos in this collection that we know were taken around the swimming pool of ...
There’s something special about a well-made print of a photograph that elevates it to the realm of art. Displaying your best pho ...
Contents 100 Before and after: advanced processing 102 Introducing the print module 103 Template browser 103 Main layout screen ...
Advanced Processing We have seen that Split Tone Processing can lead to some fantastic results, so combine what you’ve learnt al ...
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