Atheism And Theism - Blackwell - Philosophy
28 J.J.C. Smart anthropomorphic a concept of God. Plato seems to have had something like a religious attitude to his supposed Fo ...
Atheism and Theism 29 leading to the complex world that we know. But wouldn’t this be an odd way of bringing about value? Would ...
30 J.J.C. Smart with a neurophysiological account of the mind. The intuition of goodness or rightness would not be at all like v ...
Atheism and Theism 31 necessary. Similar questions will be taken up in the next section, on the cosmological argument for the ex ...
32 J.J.C. Smart ethical principle at the back of the universe. Still, Leslie’s hypothesis cannot altogether be ruled out by thes ...
Atheism and Theism 33 As I have just hinted, there has of course been a traditional theistic answer to the question. This is tha ...
34 J.J.C. Smart Holmes smokes a pipe’ but that is within the context of fiction, in which there is a pretence on the part of Con ...
Atheism and Theism 35 I would point out that there weren’t any agents that he named, and so ‘he named’ is not like ‘he kicked’. ...
36 J.J.C. Smart outsideit also. If we proceed in an infinite regress in this way we are left with an infinity of things which in ...
Atheism and Theism 37 arisen. This could happen if the mass energy (which is positive) and the gravitational energy (which is ne ...
38 J.J.C. Smart Thus we say ‘David must have arrived by now’ when we can deduce his arrival from background knowledge of his des ...
Atheism and Theism 39 existence was necessary in this sense would be to say that the assertion that God existed would be complet ...
40 J.J.C. Smart Platonic objects. (I see no reason why sophisticated robots might not apply the hypothetico-deductive method.) Q ...
Atheism and Theism 41 If Field’s theory is accepted, we must say that there are no true existential mathematical sentences, and ...
42 J.J.C. Smart the theist in the search for some analogue of God’s necessity in that of math- ematical existence. Probably, the ...
Atheism and Theism 43 ‘sempiternal’ side. Kneale suggests that the ‘eternal’ conception was natural- ized in Christian theology ...
44 J.J.C. Smart beliefs, even though this reason is not interpersonally persuasive. The believer may think that these experience ...
Atheism and Theism 45 There are all sorts of possible explanations of the numinous. Here is an example. I love the hills. Hills ...
46 J.J.C. Smart that these explanations are indeed the correct ones: it is that someone who has naturalistic preconceptions will ...
Atheism and Theism 47 wager. Pascal’s Wager will be discussed in the next section. The argument of the wager purports to prove t ...
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