Atheism And Theism - Blackwell - Philosophy
68 J.J.C. Smart systems might be common, those with a planet suitable for the evolution of intelligent life are extremely rare, ...
Atheism and Theism 69 to persist because they had survival value at an earlier stage of evolution, and also because there are so ...
70 J.J.C. Smart The evidence that Davies has is that the laws or proto-laws and the initial conditions in the universe (or colle ...
Atheism and Theism 71 16 See the title article in Isaac Asimov, The Relativity of Wrong (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989). ...
72 J.J.C. Smart 37 Norman Kemp Smith (ed.), Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion (Edinburgh: Nelson, 1947). 38 Antony Flew, ‘Ar ...
Atheism and Theism 73 62 Jonathan Barnes, The Ontological Argument, p. 57. 63 Compare W.V. Quine, Word and Object. Compare also ...
74 J.J.C. Smart 81 Cf. William James, Varieties of Religious Experience (New York: Random House, 1929), final chapter and postsc ...
Atheism and Theism 75 105 See for example, C.A. Campbell, ‘Is “Freewill” a Pseudo-Problem?’,Mind, 60 (1951), 441 – 65. For refer ...
76 J.J. Haldane 2 Atheism and Theism J.J. Haldane 1 Introduction It is a pleasure to find myself debating with Jack Smart an iss ...
Atheism and Theism 77 In this respect, and in the robustness of his own sense of the real, he reminds me of figures in our commo ...
78 J.J. Haldane do not exist unless and until, and only so far as, they are ‘delineated’ by some classificatory scheme. There ar ...
Atheism and Theism 79 an immaterial, intelligent, uncaused cause of reality, and that this – as St Thomas Aquinas (1225–74) says ...
80 J.J. Haldane these quarters: Kant’s ‘refutation’ of natural theology, Darwin’s scientific alternative to creationism, and sch ...
Atheism and Theism 81 doctrinal religion, for without them most believers at most times would be unsupported in their faith. Onc ...
82 J.J. Haldane 2 Theism and Science An important tradition within Western philosophy believes in the primacy of natural science ...
Atheism and Theism 83 of conception, discernment and inference have been exercised in socially shared and continuous histories o ...
84 J.J. Haldane mutation plus ‘selection’ of features having adaptive utility. This is some- thing to which I shall return in th ...
Atheism and Theism 85 no relevant facts additional to behavioural ones someone might hold that mental concepts have a content th ...
86 J.J. Haldane 3 Some Varieties of Explanation In the following two sections I shall explore a series of design arguments, incl ...
Atheism and Theism 87 ‘Mary is happy becauseshe is contented’; ‘the figure is trilateral becauseit is triangular’; ‘the villain ...
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