Atheism And Theism - Blackwell - Philosophy
Atheism and Theism ...
Great Debates in Philosophy Series Editor: Ernest Sosa Dialogue has always been a powerful means of philosophical exploration an ...
Atheism and Theism Second Edition J.J.C. Smart J.J. Haldane ...
Copyright © J.J.C. Smart and J.J. Haldane, 1996, 2003 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148-5018, USA 108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1J ...
Contents Preface to Second Edition ix Recommendations and Reviews xii Introduction 1 J.J. Haldane and J.J.C. Smart 1 Atheism and ...
J.J. Haldane ...
2 Atheism and Theism 1 Introduction 2 Theism and Science 3 Some Varieties of Explanation 4 ‘Old’ Teleology 5 ‘New’ Teleology 6 ...
Preface to Second Edition J.J.C. Smart and J.J. Haldane The original invitation to engage in a debate about atheism and theism w ...
extent we are common-sense realists, believing that there is a great deal in the common stock of human knowledge that is and wil ...
between those who have a benign regard for one another and conceive themselves as engaged in a shared search for truth. We hope ...
Recommendations and Reviews ‘Jack Smart and John Haldane are both remarkable philosophers. Each in his own way possesses the rar ...
‘I warmly recommend it to readers who want to make up their own minds on the issue of atheism and theism.’ Stefaan Cuypers, Inte ...
Introduction 1 Introduction J.J. Haldane and J.J.C. Smart Philosophy aims at clarification and understanding. It is one of the w ...
2 J.J. Haldane and J.J.C. Smart an automatic process or yet something else? Even if the general claim about the seasonal behavio ...
Introduction 3 show an awareness of the need to avoid regressive explanations. For example, an account of terrestrial seasons th ...
4 J.J. Haldane and J.J.C. Smart In fact, though this is not directly at issue in our exchange, Haldane is willing to go further ...
Introduction 5 have different views about what reality contains. Like God, in one of Brown- ing’s poems, some readers may choose ...
6 J.J.C. Smart 1 Atheism and Theism J.J.C. Smart 1 Introduction In this ‘great debate’ I shall be giving what I hope will be see ...
Atheism and Theism 7 bang’ will affect our understanding of the physiology of respiration, or the fact of evolution of species, ...
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