Atheism And Theism - Blackwell - Philosophy
48 J.J.C. Smart probability of its occurrence will still be infinite. So it is prudent to embrace the religious life.^85 As I ha ...
Atheism and Theism 49 pity to deprive people of their religious beliefs, since these gave them solace, and he said that he himse ...
50 J.J.C. Smart take. So despite his reservation about Pascal his own attitude was not really so different. Indeed James held th ...
Atheism and Theism 51 11 Miracles The discussion in section 9 on the argument from religious experience led on naturally to a br ...
52 J.J.C. Smart would not want to do the job this way. Perhaps a theist could indeed say that this is how the universe really is ...
Atheism and Theism 53 that the original diagnosis was incorrect. Again, many diseases have spontane- ous remissions which are no ...
54 J.J.C. Smart Need the concept of a miracle involve that of a violation of the laws of nature? Not always, because the notion ...
Atheism and Theism 55 veracity. Thus in some cases the argument can become circular. Of course many people believe without argum ...
56 J.J.C. Smart belief so as to make us feel completely sure of the truth of the Phoenicians’ claim to have sailed round the sou ...
Atheism and Theism 57 a more straightforward fashion, though not necessarily uncritically, as the work of many outstanding Chris ...
58 J.J.C. Smart The historical Jesus has proved to be elusive. All sorts of accounts have been made, ranging from the literalist ...
Atheism and Theism 59 There is a common argument for the literal truth of the Biblical account of the Resurrection of Jesus. The ...
60 J.J.C. Smart rather tendencies to these traits, since character depends also on education and environment. For example, human ...
Atheism and Theism 61 discussion will suggest that there is a real problem for the theist here, and that probably no plausible s ...
62 J.J.C. Smart well as of course many benefits. There is something in the notion of original sin, but I think that this should ...
Atheism and Theism 63 quantum effects, which are indeterministic, as for example our retina and visual system is sensitive to th ...
64 J.J.C. Smart sent to prison. If our actions were not determined by our desires attempts at deterrence would be futile. It is ...
Atheism and Theism 65 Two other weak responses are the following. (1) God has a reason for allowing evil but we do not know what ...
66 J.J.C. Smart I feel its attraction it is compatible neither with orthodox theism nor with the sort of scientific realism that ...
Atheism and Theism 67 which go as follows. An irregular bit of a larger molecular cloud broke off in such a way that it took a s ...
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