Chapter 48 Optical Defects A number of defects, oraberrationscan occur with mirrors and lenses that prevent them from forming an ...
Figure 48.1: Optical defects in a lens.Top:Spherical aberration. Rays incident near the edge of the lens focus closer to the len ...
Chapter 49 Optical Instruments In this chapter, we’ll examine a number of common optical instruments, both natural and man-made. ...
Figure 49.1: The principle of the magnifying glass. (Credit: “Hyperphysics,” Georgia State University, http://hyperphysics.phy-a ...
adjacent parts. Somehow, in a way that is not fully understood, the brain processes this information to deduce the color of the ...
Figure 49.3: A typical trilobite. This is a fossil specimen of the speciesElrathia kingii, and is 4.2 cm long. (Credit: http://w ...
Figure 49.6: A simple camera. (Ref. [4]) 49.4 The Camera Acamerais an instrument used to record an optical image. It is similar ...
Figure 49.7: A compound microscope. (Ref. [3]) essentially enlarges the image produced by the objective lens. In most modern mic ...
Figure 49.8: Optical principle of the compound microscope.(Credit: “Hyperphysics,” Georgia State Uni- versity, http://hyperphysi ...
Figure 49.9:Several different designs of reflecting telescopes. Credit: University of New South Wales, Aus- tralia. Figure 49.10 ...
Figure 49.11: Image observed in a kaleidoscope. (Credit: “Kaleidoscope Optics” at ...
Chapter 50 Photometry A frequently neglected area of optics is the field ofphotometry—the study of the measurement of the bright ...
Figure 50.1: The luminous efficiency curve. 50.2 Luminous Intensity A quantity related to luminous flux isluminous intensityI, w ...
Figure 50.2: Solar irradiance spectrum. The SI unit of illuminance is thelux(lx), where one lux is one lumen per square meter. T ...
From this result, we can compute the luminous intensity of the Sun. Since the Sun emits light equally in all directions (is isot ...
Some examples: the brightest star in the sky, Sirius (in the constellation Canis Major), has an apparent magnitude of1:44. Pola ...
Chapter 51 Young’s Experiment We now begin a study ofphysical optics, which is the study of the physical properties of light, in ...
using a lower-energy photon that will minimize the disturbance to the photon we’re observing — and if we do this, the interferen ...
Chapter 52 Diffraction The bending of waves (including light waves) around obstacles is calleddiffraction. Light has a very shor ...
Figure 52.1: Overlapping diffraction patterns and the Rayleigh criterion. separation of two point sources of light that allows t ...
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