Chapter 24 Electronic Instruments In this chapter we’ll examine a few common instruments used to analyze electronic circuits. 24 ...
connected to the point in the circuit whose voltage with respect to ground you wish to measure. If the current in the circuit is ...
Chapter 25 Capacitance Suppose we have a conductor carrying a net chargeCQand a second conductor carrying a net chargeQ; and su ...
Figure 25.1: Electric field between the plates of a parallel-plate capacitor. The electric field between the plates is uniform, ...
Notice that the formula for capacitors inserieslooks similar to the formula for resistors inparallel, and vice versa. Note the f ...
d)is UD^12 CV^2 (25.13) D 1 2 " 0 A d .Ed/^2 (25.14) D^12 " 0 E^2 Ad: (25.15) Since the volume of the space between the plates i ...
Chapter 26 RC Circuits By connecting a resistor and capacitor together in series, we create anRC circuit. In an RC circuit, ener ...
Figure 26.2 shows the resistor voltage, capacitor voltage, circuit current, and capacitor charge in the charging RC circuit as a ...
can be shown in this case to be VR.t/DVet= (26.6) VC.t/DVet= (26.7) I.t/D.V=R/et= (26.8) Q.t/DCVet= (26.9) R C S Figure ...
Chapter 27 Other Electronic Components 27.1 The Diode 27.2 The Transistor 27.3 Integrated Circuits ...
Chapter 28 The Incandescent Light Bulb ...
Chapter 29 Electronics as a Hobby Many people enjoy electronics as a hobby. They enjoy the creative outlet that electronics offe ...
NerdKits( sells a good simple microcontroller kit with an informative instruction manual, along with ide ...
Build your own equipment.The Amateur Radio Service is the only radio service that allows you to design and build your own trans ...
29.7 Sample Electronics Projects Here are a few fun electronics projects that hobbyists have built: Radio receivers of all kind ...
Chapter 30 Magnetism Magnetism, like electricity, has been known since ancient times. The wordmagnetderives from the Greek ̨ ...
to go with it. For example, if you take a bar magnet with anNpole and anSpole and break it in half, you will get two smaller bar ...
Chapter 31 The Magnetic Field 31.1 Magnetic Field. Recall how we defined the electric fieldEin Chapter 16: we place a small posi ...
We cannot possibly drawallfield lines (because they fill all space), so we draw only a few. The number of field lines you draw ...
HereAis an area vector whose magnitude is equal to the area of the surface, and whose direction is perpen- dicular to the surfac ...
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