Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Ancient World
THE AMERICAS BY KIRK H. BEETZ Th e ancient Americans of the far north learned how to adapt their frigid environment to their nee ...
the fi rst century c.e. was the double bottle, which linked two main vessels with a tube. Cups sometimes resembled those used by ...
AFRICA BY MARK ANTHONY PHELPS Hunting, fi shing, and gathering activities are collectively known as foraging. Foraging was the o ...
throughout most of the valley, to the middle of the fi rst mil- lennium b.c.e., data point to semisedentary foragers, exist- ing ...
ungulates by hand; it is possible that such animals were cap- tured alive and then killed later for ritual purposes. At fi rst o ...
2465 b.c.e.) workers’ village at Giza, and documents show that soldiers, priests, and artisans were oft en paid with quantities ...
tablets were those used by the upper classes of society, and the mention of venison shows that they valued game. Th e Greek auth ...
the spear could be fl ung hard enough to pierce the fl esh of elephants and rhinoceroses. Th e bow and arrow allowed a hunter to ...
were actively hunted, though more oft en these animals were probably found and used when they were stranded. Th e waterlogged co ...
life of the farm and town. Artemis was the goddess of the hunt and is oft en portrayed as an untamed spirit, exotic but dangerou ...
and the proximity of rocky coasts. Paintings on ancient vases depict boats with lanterns hanging from prow and stern, sug- gesti ...
Th us, at Rome’s Circus Maximus, for example, a gladiato- rial contest would be scheduled for the aft ernoon; the hunt, or venat ...
ests, grasslands, and river valleys. Th e tribes of the American Northwest, for example, found abundant resources in the region’ ...
583 ▶ illumination introduction Before the advent of electricity, people had to fi nd ways to il- luminate their homes at nigh ...
religion, there were many purposes, including marking sa- cred ground or altars and indicating places for worshipping the sun. M ...
ably known from India, Syria, and Egypt, and Axumites demonstrated a mastery of creating religious images in glass for their chu ...
eff ects in their work. Statues of King Khafre, builder of the second great pyramid at Giza, were originally placed in an open c ...
from the time of their invention to long aft er the end of the Roman era. Some molds for metal lamps have been found. Th e molds ...
made of cotton, linen, or other dense woven fabric—absorbs the fuel at a steady rate. Th e fuel is distilled into carbon at the ...
the oil and conduct it upward so that the fuel burned faster than the wick itself. Another form of portable lighting was the tor ...
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