Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Ancient World
made from spirit, phlegm, and bile, with health relying on the balance of the three substances. Medicines later took the form of ...
Th roughout ancient Europe, living past age 40 would have been an unusual accomplishment. Disease was rife among ancient Europea ...
many senses, these ancient healers functioned as experimen- tal scientists, observing symptoms, trying herbal treatments, and as ...
by his general Ptolemy, the seat of medical research moved to this new city on the Mediterranean coast, which attracted scholars ...
persons into Rome. A vocal critic of these changes, Cato’s de- fense of traditional medicine coincided with a denunciation of pr ...
vilians had no equivalent until Christians in the east began to establish shelters for the poor, the sick, and travelers, which ...
been thought to cure breathing diseases and perhaps skin diseases. Th e Mayans seem to have been using smoke for similar purpose ...
[He who made woman] and created man, Marduk, has ordained that he be encompassed with sickness.... He said: “How long will he be ...
Affl atus of the North is antagonistic to the South; the Affl atus of the South is antagonistic to the West; the Affl atus of th ...
Th ere are in all three branches of the study of medicine, in this order. Th e fi rst is the study of the result by analysis; th ...
FURTHER READING Bob Brier, Ancient Egyptian Mummies: Unraveling the Secrets of an Ancient Art (New York: William Morrow, 1994). ...
to store and preserve food and beverages, so they had jars, pots, and fl agons, sometimes kept in a pantry, sometimes in what am ...
of Egypt, whereas Axum developed near the Red Sea in the region of modern Ethiopia. In Nubia of Kerma’s era, people favored Egyp ...
tians became highly skilled carpenters. Although the house- hold was never overly furnished, furnishings made from wood were hig ...
Syria, but there were plenty of readily available materials in this region to use for the fashioning of those everyday items use ...
houses and furniture, some drawings, and written descrip- tions in China and India. Generally these are the household goods of t ...
carved bone harpoons were used for fi shing in rivers. Few cooking implements have survived. Of the stone and bone ornaments tha ...
made from wood, little has survived apart from chairs and tables in some images of the period. GREECE BY JEFFREY S. CARNES Th e ...
lamps were normally placed on separate stands. In wealthy houses tables were sometimes used for displays of decorative objects. ...
Glass was used in the Roman world for such household objects as drinking vessels and containers for precious com- modities like ...
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