Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Ancient World
Romans. Even aft er the fall of Rome, Roman law continued to apply to disputes with only Roman parties. GREECE BY JEFFREY S. CAR ...
was a monetary reward for successful prosecution; this led to a class of professional prosecutors known as sykophantes. Measures ...
judge tribunal was authorized to try the case. Judges were prominent private citizens, though they were rarely trained in the la ...
Beyond that, a case had to be taken to the capital, where it would be heard by a higher judge. Th e appeal aft er that was to th ...
Beginning of the arrangement of the good sayings, spoken by the noble lord, the divine father, beloved of Ptah, the son of the k ...
are prescribed to him, the son is gentle toward his master. Attending to him who has attended when such things have been prescri ...
major domus, the master of the house shall be put to death. If any one fi nd runaway male or female slaves in the open country ...
orphans, I have in Babylon the city where Anu and Bel raise high their head, in E-Sagil, the Temple, whose foundations stand fi ...
city and whatever there is in the houses in which a serf residing in the country does not live, and the sheep and the larger ani ...
Let the protector of a landholder be a landholder; for one of the proletariat, let anyone that cares be protector. 6-9. When t ...
FURTHER READING Shafik Allam, “Egyptian Law Courts in Pharaonic and Helle- nistic Times,” Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 77 (19 ...
▶ literature introduction Even people who have studied literature most of their lives are oft en unsure how to defi ne what lite ...
communication. In the ancient world these forms of commu- nication most likely transmitted knowledge in the language spoken by t ...
larger-than-life person from the past. Th e legend was a tale of ancestors or events from the heroic historic past that the comm ...
been told to them in the family setting. Th ey also judged the performance based on their perception of how well the story- tell ...
who claimed that it was the reason for the fall of the Western Roman Empire to the Visigoths. Literature in ancient Africa repre ...
its beginning is lost. It is followed on the papyrus by the only complete copy of the latter text. Th e “Teaching of the Vizier ...
scholars suggest that the lack of royal autobiographies is due to the sanctity of kingship, because a king’s persona was styl- i ...
who is not enjoying life and is longing for death. His soul, on the other hand, wishes that he would stop complaining and enjoy ...
who petitions to get his goods back through dialogue and a lament that has a somewhat didactic undertone. Most of Egyptian liter ...
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