Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Ancient World
those burdens of the corruptible body which weigh upon the soul. Th us the things necessary for this mortal life are used by bot ...
chief steward, Meruitensi. It is he who punishes every robber in this whole land. Shall I, then, be robbed in his domain?” Th en ...
Th en Ansar and Kisar were created,... Long were the days, then there came forth... Anu, their son,... Ansar and Anu... And the ...
May they magnify thy name over all of them the Anunnaki.” She gave him the Tablets of Destiny, on his breast she laid them, sayi ...
“where they stand, Th y kindred of the Kurus:” and the Prince Marked on each hand the kinsmen of his house, Grandsires and sires ...
and doing all this still feel pained, and be disabled by the dazzling form seeing those things of which he formerly saw the shad ...
Grant the rich heritage Of morals, modesty, and truth. On Rome herself bestow a teaming race Wealth, Empire, Faith, and all befi ...
FURTHER READING Michael Alexander, trans., Th e Earliest English Poems (London and New York: Penguin Classics, 1992). Kenneth J. ...
677 ▶ metallurgy introduction Historians identify major periods in ancient history by the primary materials people used to mak ...
AFRICA BY KIRK H. BEETZ Almost guaranteed to set a gathering of African archaeologists to arguing is the subject of metallurgy. ...
During the fi rst 500 years c.e. the knowledge of how to mine, smelt, and work iron may have been spread by the Bantu-speaking p ...
Despite the availability of iron ore, iron objects were ex- tremely rare, mainly because the refi ning processes are very comple ...
about 4500 b.c.e., was full of molds, crucibles, and a tuyere (a pipe or nozzle to force air into a forge or furnace) as well as ...
ritual vessels were then cast by using piece-mold technology during the following Shang and Zhou dynasties (ca. 1500– 256 b.c.e. ...
in eastern Europe. Another was that mixing the proportions of tin to copper was tricky. Th e ancient smiths did not have modern ...
For warriors, this meant not only durable armor but weapons that were less likely to break under stress. GREECE BY JOHN W. HUMPH ...
either absorbed into the clay or transformed by a steady blast of air into lead oxide that evaporated, leaving the purest silver ...
available for working. Second, they perfected the design of shaft furnaces to allow continuous production of the metal by making ...
death of a ruler the gold artifacts would have been gathered up and buried. Th e earliest-known use of metals in the Americas wa ...
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