Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Ancient World
sapiens neanderthalensis into Europe and the replacement of that population by modern Homo sapiens sapiens, along with the encro ...
duct petty warfare. Th e transmission of steppe material cul- ture and ideals was partly a result of conquest and partly from pe ...
to the attitudes and behaviors of warriors. According to Taci- tus, Germans held land based on social status, councils met regul ...
later, during the Bronze Age (ca. 4000–1100 b.c.e.), as part of the great expansion of Indo-European language speakers from thei ...
Pithecusae (modern-day Ischia, in the Bay of Naples). His- torical sources say that it was settled by traders from Chalcis and E ...
Typically the oikistes was revered by future generations and received heroic honors (that is, he attained a semidivine sta- tus ...
other means. Th ere exists a foundation decree for an Athe- nian colony at Brea, dateable to about 445 b.c.e., which speci- fi e ...
ment, in fact, was encouraged under Alexander. Finally, there were a small number of nomadic peoples on the fringes of the Greek ...
During the fi rst and second centuries b.c.e. Rome ex- panded into the region known as Gaul, which corresponds roughly with mode ...
road; that is, the roads were slightly higher in the center and sloped off to the sides, allowing rain to fl ow off. Many Roman ...
practiced their religion in secret, however, and suff ered rela- tively little persecution. Th e situation changed in 64 c.e., w ...
as tolls collected by local warlords that were essentially pro- tection money. When the military was not fi ghting, troops const ...
present levels, so landmasses we would not recognize today remained above water. One of these was the sprawling land- scape of B ...
had by then been found in Texas and as far east as the Mis- sissippi, these roughly 11,000-year-old hunting artifacts were attri ...
However, between 7,000 and 9,000 years ago people in the forested river drainages of Brazil, Uruguay, northern Argen- tina, and ...
I shall now deduce the institutions and usages of the several people, as far as they vary one from another; as also an account o ...
FURTHER READING William Y. Adams, “Th e First Colonial Empire: Egypt in Nubia, 3200–1200 b.c.,” Comparative Studies in Society a ...
David O’Connor and Stephen Quirke, eds. Mysterious Lands (Lon- don: UCL Press. 2003). John Reader, Africa: A Biography of the Co ...
Archaeologists think that this means the Egyptians had be- come very secure in Nubia and had nothing to fear from the local peop ...
der Ramses III (r. 1194–1163 b.c.e.), aft er the gods Amun, Ptah, Re, and Seth. Each division was divided into about 20 companie ...
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