Encyclopedia of Society and Culture in the Ancient World
http://www.touregypt.net/magazine/mag07012001/magf5. htm. Downloaded on August 7, 2006. Cho-Yun Hsu, Xu Zhuoyun, and Jack L. Dul ...
As architecture became more developed, builders had to understand such elements as drainage systems, and in time they learned to ...
to heaven for the kingdom’s rulers. In common with obelisks throughout the ancient world, they may have served as gi- gantic sun ...
paneling were made of marble, and the homes had drainage systems and even brick ovens. In palaces, the kings dedicated thrones t ...
inspired Nubian builders. Like the pyramids of Egypt, they are built with stepped stone layers, or courses, but they are not as ...
underwent changes in design over time. It appears to have begun as a simple mastaba, a fl at-roofed tomb with sloping sides. Lat ...
need to unite the competing tribes of Upper and Lower Egypt, so the pyramids became a massive public-works project to give peopl ...
passageway leading to a terrace. Inside, at the upper end, was a gate that led to a paved courtyard 250 feet across and 330 feet ...
ous other temples in the Nile Delta region, now entirely lost, may also have been larger. Karnak is actually a temple complex co ...
rituals associated with the building process. Cylinder seals are cylinder-shaped stones carved with decorative designs and engra ...
above the plain; it is believed to have been 170 feet tall when fi rst built. Because it was restored at a much later date by Ki ...
segments of stone or brick jutting out of a wall to span a space, such as a door or other opening. Th e corbelled vault uses the ...
Teblitu River, whose course Sennacherib had changed to accommodate his building site, the king’s palace incor- porated mud-brick ...
CONTRIBUTIONS TO ARCHITECTURE AND THE HANGING GARDENS Architecture in the ancient Near East was advanced by the region’s various ...
selection of a building site, the design of the building, its construction, and the decorations both inside and outside. In cont ...
ancient and traditional Chinese buildings have something of a curved, swooped appearance, rather than the appearance of boxes, t ...
constructed in a similar way. It, too, has largely disappeared. Th e Great Wall that remains a tourist attraction in China was b ...
yard. Th ese drab cells evolved from the caves in which monks had lived in previous centuries. Another, called the chaitya, was ...
was sometimes small and sometimes large. Some huts had stone foundations, while others built along riverbanks or lake- shores re ...
beyond the walls so that dripping water or falling snow would not damage the walls. A roundhouse’s pitched roof was cone-shaped, ...
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