Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)
logit? OR VIII. Derivation of OR Formula OR¼ odds 1 odds 0 X¼(X 1 ,X 2 ,...,Xk) (1) X 1 ¼(X 11 ,X 12 ,...,X 1 k) (0) X 0 ¼(X 01 ...
P X ¼ 1 1 þe aþ~biXi ðÞ 1 odds: P X 1 1 P X 1 ðÞ 0 odds: P X 0 1 P X 0 odds forX 1 odds forX 0 ¼ P ...
ROR¼eðaþ~biX^1 iÞðaþ~biX^0 iÞ ¼e½aaþ~biðX^1 iX^0 iÞ ¼e~biðX^1 iX^0 iÞ RORX 1 ;X 0 ¼e ~ k i¼ 1 biðÞX 1 iX 0 i ea+b =^ ea ...
ebi(X 1 i–X 0 i) i=1 RORX 1 , X 0 = k Multiplicative Õ Logistic model)multiplicative OR formula Other models)other OR formulae ...
eb^1 : population ROR e ^b 1 : estimated ROR and letX 0 be specified by CAT¼0, AGE¼40, and ECG¼0. Starting with the general form ...
X. Special Case for (0, 1) Variables Adjusted OR = eb whereb¼coefficient of (0, 1) variable Xi(0, 1): adj.ROR¼ebi controlling fo ...
CAT × AGE, AGE × ECG AGE product terms or non-(0, 1) variables general OR formula e^ bi(X^1 i–X^0 i) Chapters 3 1. Introduction ...
Detailed Outline I. The multivariable problem(pages 4–5) A. Example of a multivariate problem in epidemiologic research, includi ...
V. Study design issues(pages 11–15) A. Follow-up orientation. B. Applicability to case-control and cross- sectional studies?Yes. ...
iii. The coefficientbirepresents the change in the log odds that would result from a one unit change in the variableXiwhen all t ...
Key Formulae [exp(a)¼eafor any numbera] LOGISTIC FUNCTION:f(z)¼1/[1þ exp(z)] LOGISTIC MODEL: P(X)¼1/{1þexp[(aþ~biXi)]} LOGIT T ...
Model 1: Model 2: For each of the above models, state the form of the estimated model in logit terms. Model 1: logit P(X)¼ Mod ...
If the study design had been case-control, what kind of measure of association could you have legitimately computed from the ab ...
T F 9. Given a fitted logistic model from a follow-up study, it is not possible to estimate individual risk as the constant term ...
Which of the following isnota property of the logistic model? (Circle one choice.) a. The model form can be written as P(X)=1/{ ...
Again assuming a follow-up study, compute the estimated risk for a 40-year-old male nonsmoker with CHOL¼200 and OCC¼1. (You nee ...
For SOC¼1, SBP¼150, and SMK¼1, X¼(SOC, SBP, SMK, SOCSBP, SOCSMK)¼(1, 150, 1, 150, 1) and Model 1 ;P^ðXÞ¼ 1 =ð 1 þexpf½ 1 : ...
No. If the study design had been either case-control or cross-sectional, risk estimates could not be computed because the const ...
2 Important Special Cases of the Logistic Model n Contents Introduction 42 Abbreviated Outline 42 Objectives 43 Presentation 45 ...
Introduction In this chapter, several important special cases of the logis- tic model involving a single (0, 1) exposure variabl ...
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