The Art and Practice of Leadership Coaching: 50 Top Executive Coaches Reveal Their Secrets
180 50 TOPEXECUTIVECOACHES Wherever I worked, I recognized a yearning among people for more par- ticipation in decision-making p ...
COACHING FORORGANIZATIONALCHANGE 181 Because ofthat success, I was asked to do more and more coaching within GE. My work in comp ...
182 50 TOPEXECUTIVECOACHES Together, we determine where the manager shines and how they can gravi- tate toward doing more of tha ...
COACHING FORORGANIZATIONALCHANGE 183 Leigh Fountain T he areas of strategic and organizational change foster a strong debate on ...
184 50 TOPEXECUTIVECOACHES aspect focused on the changing environment (of work and people). The coach- ing centered on supportin ...
COACHING FORORGANIZATIONALCHANGE 185 determine where to focus coaching energies. When considering coaching for organizational ch ...
186 50 TOPEXECUTIVECOACHES Bruce Pfau F or more than 20 years, I’ve worked with groups of executives at some of the world’s larg ...
COACHING FORORGANIZATIONALCHANGE 187 us to deliver conclusive results. Where there are superior HR practices, there is higher sh ...
188 50 TOPEXECUTIVECOACHES recruit employees with the desired personality and motives, as well as the specific knowledge and ski ...
189 CHAPTER 8 Strategy Coaching Thought Leaders C. K. Prahalad Fariborz Ghadar Vijay Govindarajan Michael Hammer Christopher A ...
190 50 TOPEXECUTIVECOACHES THOUGHT LEADERS C. K. Prahalad The Competitive Demands on Today’s Leaders I n the area of strategy, t ...
STRATEGYCOACHING 191 the direction of the company? Many of those ideas simply cannot be dis- cussed internally because they invo ...
192 50 TOPEXECUTIVECOACHES comes from within the organization and already possesses a lot of direct knowledge, a rigorously deve ...
STRATEGYCOACHING 193 what and why, where skeletons are hidden and where opportunities are wait- ing, as well as which ideas are ...
194 50 TOPEXECUTIVECOACHES ability for self-renewal, not just in terms of people and processes, but also in terms of how to comp ...
STRATEGYCOACHING 195 my coaching. I’m not against what she wants to do but I don’t think it requires strategy coaching. It would ...
196 50 TOPEXECUTIVECOACHES Vijay Govindarajan Coaching for Strategic Thinking Capability I work exclusively in the area of strat ...
STRATEGYCOACHING 197 become very important for companies to understand knowledge, not only in academics but also as it exists in ...
198 50 TOPEXECUTIVECOACHES them. I can help them self-diagnose their strategy issues and self-discover their solutions. In the e ...
STRATEGYCOACHING 199 nonlinear shifts continues to grow. Consider what the future looked like only a few years ago. Who could ha ...
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