The Art and Practice of Leadership Coaching: 50 Top Executive Coaches Reveal Their Secrets
21 I Part Working with Coaches ...
23 CHAPTER 2 Selecting the Right Coach E xecutive coaching is a precision tool for optimizing the abilities of lead- ers. Most ...
24 WORKING WITHCOACHES from the beginning, or does it take on new challenges as they arise? Does the engagement take place withi ...
SELECTING THERIGHTCOACH 25 ensure a superior return on investment. Finally, Part III looks at how to en- sure fit between the co ...
26 WORKING WITHCOACHES expertise, can work with a coachee to find a path to success. That path may differ from coach to coach, b ...
SELECTING THERIGHTCOACH 27 This provides a sense of comfort and familiarity in the client’s world, allowing him or her to commun ...
28 WORKING WITHCOACHES Experience and Background A best practice coach has: •A good working knowledge of the industry and the ki ...
SELECTING THERIGHTCOACH 29 •Back away from an area or direction that is not in the coachee’s best in- terest to pursue or one th ...
30 WORKING WITHCOACHES In this book, we are generally talking about business or executive coach- ing. The distinction is most cl ...
SELECTING THERIGHTCOACH 31 each of the coaches interviewed focused on the leader ’s ability to steer the organization through a ...
32 WORKING WITHCOACHES his or her performance. That organizational need must be front and center throughout the engagement. Allo ...
SELECTING THERIGHTCOACH 33 should remain with the client, because the client is most affected by the pay- offor lack thereof fro ...
34 WORKING WITHCOACHES longer in the organization? When performance correction is the reason for coaching, there is nothing wron ...
SELECTING THERIGHTCOACH 35 concrete examples of when coaching can help with performance develop- ment. Specifically, coaching ap ...
36 WORKING WITHCOACHES Part III: Ensuring Fit Once the decision to hire a coach has been made, how does the client judge whether ...
SELECTING THERIGHTCOACH 37 a newcomer. Regardless of the level of technical experience and understand- ing, the coach’s question ...
38 WORKING WITHCOACHES quality of results and impact can lead the coach to be passed around like an exciting new book that simpl ...
SELECTING THERIGHTCOACH 39 FIGURE2.1 Coaching Checklist: Selecting the Right Coach Are you looking for a long-term or short-term ...
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