The Art and Practice of Leadership Coaching: 50 Top Executive Coaches Reveal Their Secrets
60 50 TOPEXECUTIVECOACHES Have the coaching clients respond to key stakeholders.The person being reviewed should talk with each ...
COACHINGLEADERS/BEHAVIORALCOACHING 61 for top executives, it can be even more useful for high-potential future lead- ers. These ...
62 50 TOPEXECUTIVECOACHES L eadership is a relationship. It’s a relationship between those who aspire to lead and those who choo ...
COACHINGLEADERS/BEHAVIORALCOACHING 63 A successful coaching engagement is one in which the leader embraces these challenges and ...
64 50 TOPEXECUTIVECOACHES Challenge the Process Leaders search for oppor tunitiesby seeking innovative ways to change, grow, and ...
COACHINGLEADERS/BEHAVIORALCOACHING 65 best when we are doing something because we have to. We only perform well when we want to. ...
66 50 TOPEXECUTIVECOACHES that everything you do is wrong only causes you to stop listening. What lead- ers need are “loving cri ...
COACHINGLEADERS/BEHAVIORALCOACHING 67 Frances Hesselbein First Do No Harm I listen very carefully when people talk about coachin ...
68 50 TOPEXECUTIVECOACHES responsively. If, in the end, the person we are coaching has been diminished by the exper ience, then ...
COACHINGLEADERS/BEHAVIORALCOACHING 69 responsibility. At the same time, there are always one or two weaknesses that become incre ...
70 50 TOPEXECUTIVECOACHES assessment. I may be in a minority today, but I don’t believe that coaching by phone can be effective, ...
COACHINGLEADERS/BEHAVIORALCOACHING 71 ofbehavior by level. Some people are terrific at managing upwards, for ex- ample, and you ...
72 50 TOPEXECUTIVECOACHES the organization’s strategy has changed or new demands are being made. Per- haps those changes or circ ...
COACHINGLEADERS/BEHAVIORALCOACHING 73 the same person if chemistry and a trusting relationship are established. At the same time ...
74 50 TOPEXECUTIVECOACHES Dave Ulrich Vision, Style, and Strategy L eaders envision a future and invest in the present. They nee ...
COACHINGLEADERS/BEHAVIORALCOACHING 75 okay if they are sources for learning in the future. Letting go of the past comes from lea ...
76 50 TOPEXECUTIVECOACHES Barry Posner The Leader’s Passion H ow can I be a leader? How can I be a better leader than I am today ...
COACHINGLEADERS/BEHAVIORALCOACHING 77 most lasting.” It’s hard to imagine leaders getting up day after day, putting in the long ...
78 50 TOPEXECUTIVECOACHES PRACTITIONERS Howard Morgan I work with senior leaders and /or executive teams on maximizing their ef- ...
COACHINGLEADERS/BEHAVIORALCOACHING 79 or organization. Most coaching finds ways for individuals to lose some of their unique cha ...
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