Dynamic Help Dynamic Help is a feature that is in the online Help system and references some of the customization elements that ...
■ Create an Enterprise CUIx File on page 82 Quick Reference Commands CUI Manages the customized user interface elements in the p ...
CUIx files in the program. In releases prior to AutoCAD 2006, called a menugroup. Element IDA unique identifier of an interface ...
MacroA series of commands that are run in a defined sequence to accomplish a drawing task. Main customization fileA writable CUI ...
CUIIMPORT Imports customized settings from an enterprise or partial CUIx file to the main CUIx file. CUILOAD Loads a CUIx file. ...
Work with the Customize User Interface (CUI) Editor With the Customize User Interface (CUI) Editor, you can create and manage st ...
-----Define the label for the command. Control how the command and its name is displayed on page 113 Optional: Assign search tag ...
Create User Interface Elements User interface elements are used to organize and display commands in AutoCAD LT. To decide what u ...
Customize the Ribbon Ribbon customization is broken out into three main components: panels, tabs, and contextual tab states. Eac ...
Optional: Add sub-panels to organize commands and controls within a row. Add a sub-panel on page 159 ----- -----Create new comma ...
You create ribbon tabs to organize multiple ribbon panels into a single group of related tools. Once ribbon panels are added to ...
You assign ribbon tabs to a contextual tab state to display commands and controls on the ribbon when working in a specific conte ...
Optional: Add flyouts to organize multiple commands into a single drop-down list. Add a flyout on page 203 ----- -----Create new ...
order for them to be displayed on the menu bar. For more information about pull-down menu customization, see Create a Pull-Down ...
Set the modified workspace current to see the pull-down menu displayed on the menu bar. Set a workspace current on page ----- 28 ...
Add commands to the shortcut menu and submenus. Add commands on page 225 ----- Change the caption that is used for the command w ...
about double click action customization, see Double Click Actions on page 262. -----Create new commands as needed. Create a new ...
You create and manage workspaces from the user interface of AutoCAD LT or with the Customize User Interface (CUI) Editor. Creati ...
Save the changes made to the user interface elements to a workspace. Save the workspace on page 285 ----- Create a Workspace wit ...
Control the display settings for a toolbar when Change the display properties of a-----the workspace is set current. You can con ...
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