7.A. Employment First, an employment crisis continues to affect much of the globe. The world experienced jobless growth prior to ...
executives and financial sector workers in 2010 and 2011.^37 Given the severity and persistence of unemployment across much of t ...
example, studies of Asia and Latin America show that inequality rates rose as a result of the 2007-08 food price shocks (Save th ...
inequality had increased between richer and poorer regions since the start of the global recession and is likely to be exacerbat ...
markets as a strategy to raise demand and promote economic growth. This happened through public policies that focused on generat ...
Are policies being selected and designed through inclusive processes—in other words, through open and public discourse? At the ...
Endnote: Estimating Income Inequality: Methodology and Assumptions A. Methodology There are two common approaches for estimating ...
B. Assumptions behind income distribution estimates Estimating income inequality based on national distribution estimates is no ...
carry out comparable distribution estimates using both the inter-country and global accounting models, which would otherwise not ...
Cornia, G. A. (2010). “Transition, Structural Divergence and Performance: Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union over 2000-2 ...
ILO (2004). A Fair Globalization: Creating Opportunities for All. Report of the World Commission on the Social Consequences of G ...
Ortiz, I., Chai, J. and M. Cummins (2011). “Escalating Food Prices: The Threat to Poor Households and Policies to Safeguard a Re ...
United Nations (2005). The Inequality Predicament: Report on the World Social Situation 2005. New York: United Nations Departmen ...
The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger Bill Kerry, Kate E. Pickett and Richard Wilkinson^40 ore equal s ...
competition and anxiety, feelings of inferiority and fear of being disrespected all increase. All of these are sources of chroni ...
of these separate problems move together, which suggests there must be some underlying cause. And no one has yet suggested a bet ...
Figure 2. Child Well-being and Income Inequality Source: The Equality Trust Inequality as an indicator of deprivation Both pover ...
from improved social cohesion, improved health and fewer social problems. Tackling inequality We found that among the rich count ...
Furthermore, We are non-partisan and call on all political parties to prioritise this issue. We would like to see the UK hal ...
We ́re all in this together: Why fighting inequality is central to development Alex Cobham^41 he Post-2015 agenda The report set ...
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