Spectrum biology
ïGut also have taste receptors and can sense the basic tastes in a man ner sim i lar to tongue. Do you know? The gastrointestina ...
stim u lated, sig nals are trans mit ted first into the spi nal cord and then back to de scend ing co lon, sig moid, rec tum and ...
Section-A 1.These figures show the gynoecium of (a)Papaver (b)Michelia flowers. Write the difference in the structure of their o ...
18.Make a list of any three outbreeding devices that flowering plants have developed and explain how they help to encourage cros ...
Section A 1.Name the In dian breed of cow that was de vel oped through ar ti fi cial se lec tion and do mes ti ca tion of wild c ...
21.How do or gan isms cope with stress ful ex ter nal en vi ron men tal con di tions which are local ised or of short duration? ...
ALFRED RUSSEL WALLACE A British humanist, naturalist, geographer, and social critic who became a public figure in England during ...
Which of the following statements are correct with respect to lipoproteins? (a) Molecular mass of lipoproteins is directly prop ...
The up take of nu tri ent by bac te ria (a) oc curs against rel a tively small con cen tra tion gra di ents in free liv ing ba ...
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