David Bentley Hart - That All Shall Be Saved
174 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations will. It is not even very sensible to ask, then, whether a free will might not "spontaneousl ...
Fourth Meditation: What Is Freedom? 175 self as the source and end of all being, and hence as the Good as such. Thus the ontolog ...
Apokatastasis: Four Meditations any specific religious or metaphysical commitments. You need only examine your own motivations a ...
Fourth Meditation: What Is Freedom? 177 ness of things. If not for some always more original orienta- tion toward an always more ...
Apokatastasis: Four Meditations intrinsically sane, and that willing what can only make one unhappy- if not for some greater goo ...
Fourth Meditation: What Is Freedom? 179 what freedom is for a rational nature. Even God could not cre- ate a rational being not ...
180 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations IV I have to admit that, despite all I have just said, it is not pri- marily on any of these ...
Fourth Meditation: What Is Freedom? 181 destinies, and we have in this life no capacity for the absolute. To me, the question of ...
182 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations tutes, to my mind, not only a sad impoverishment of the Chris- tian picture of God, but in f ...
Fourth Meditation: What Is Freedom? beings, who exists in the manner of a finite thing. But God is not an "entity." Neither, for ...
Apokatastasis: Four Meditations all the events that constitute each individual life, but also all of an agent's inner motives an ...
Fourth Meditation: What Is Freedom? never be for the will simply one plausible terminus of desire in competition with another; h ...
186 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations knowledge and all truth, of all love and delight in the object of love, who enlivens and act ...
Fourth Meditation: What Is Freedom? this, of course, all Christian traditions have always acknowl- edged, tacitly or explicitly. ...
188 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations must be the case that Christians are obliged to regard Jesus as having been a truly free cre ...
Fourth Meditation: What Is Freedom? Could Christ have freely rejected the will of the Father, or rejected the divine Good as the ...
190 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations point) that the sinlessness of Jesus of Nazareth was no more than a special accident of the ...
Fourth Meditation: What Is Freedom? 191 an end. Evil, being nothing in itself, can never be an ultimate end, but must always sub ...
192 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations real, and hence must always be concerned ultimately with the Good; and in part because he di ...
Fourth Meditation: What Is Freedom? 193 honestly, one has to acknowledge that any truly free condi- tion could be nothing other ...
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