David Bentley Hart - That All Shall Be Saved
134 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations is not an abstract question regarding which individual human beings are the "saved" and whic ...
Third Meditation: What Is a Person? 135 rest left reprobate, solely as a display of divine might; God's faithfulness is his own ...
136 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations subversion of custom. There is, it turns out, no final division between the elect and the de ...
Third Meditation: What Is a Person? 137 their own "full entirety" (pleroma) enter in? Temporarily ex- cluded (like Esau) for the ...
138 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations it, and not able to argue it through to his own satisfaction, he would end his contemplation ...
Third Meditation: What Is a Person? 139 tament, what he believed he saw was-as I said in my First Meditation - not some everlast ...
140 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations Humanity, Gregory reads Genesis 1:26-7-the first account of the creation of the race, where ...
Third Meditation: What Is a Person? 141 that story. At the same time, however-so Gregory says in his treatise On Virginity- sin ...
142 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations even speaks of Christ as having assumed not just human na- ture in the abstract, but the who ...
Third Meditation: What Is a Person? 143 as the true first creation of humanity (Genesis 1:26-27) was the eternal conception in t ...
144 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations ently finite-in fact, in a sense, is pure finitude, pure limit- and so builds only toward an ...
Third Meditation: What Is a Person? 145 asmuch as we are all bound in disobedience (as the Apostle says) precisely by being boun ...
Apokatastasis: Four Meditations murderous, and who eventually dies unrepentant and there- upon descends to an endless hell. Well ...
Third Meditation: What Is a Person? 147 spared, and not that the blessed will take sadistic delight in the spectacle as such. Ne ...
Apokatastasis: Four Meditations posal that the saints in heaven will not be bothered in the least ( as of course they could not ...
Third Meditation: What Is a Person? 149 is, tacitly, a willingness also to ignore the sufferings of poten - tially everyone. And ...
150 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations feet blessedness of the Kingdom, he will veil the sufferings of the damned from their eyes, ...
Third Meditation: What Is a Person? 151 might be like. But Christians are obliged, it seems clear, to take seriously the eschato ...
152 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations have been stripped away- it is the living form, rather than its mere material instantiation, ...
Third Meditation: What Is a Person? 153 it prove so, he is still the man who was guilty of those earlier deeds. The issue here, ...
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