David Bentley Hart - That All Shall Be Saved
154 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations Where in this world, then, or in the world to come, does the web of those associations that ...
Third Meditation: What Is a Person? 155 miserable empirical ego that so often struts and frets its hour upon the stage of this w ...
Apokatastasis: Four Meditations Is this, then, our choice after all: either a hell of eternal tor- ment or a heaven that is the ...
Third Meditation: What Is a Person? 157 This passage reminds me, as it happens, of certain of the teach- ings of Isaac of Nineve ...
Apokatastasis: Four Meditations down into that abyss for us, to set all the prisoners free, even from the chains of their own ha ...
Fourth Meditation What Is Freedom? A Reflection on the Rational Will I Let me begin again with a quotation, this one an anecdote ...
160 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations With all due respect to a revered philosopher, Wittgenstein's thinking in this matter was in ...
Fourth Meditation: What Is Freedom? 161 for those of us who fail to find the right path in this world, or the right path out of ...
162 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations wrought structure of this or that orthodoxy. To take a few obvi- ous examples: The broad mai ...
Fourth Meditation: What Is Freedom? of Christian history. Often the effect has been absurd. From the time of Augustine, for inst ...
Apokatastasis: Four Meditations tirely shaped by early modern thinking, in the churches of East and West, still tend to read the ...
Fourth Meditation: What Is Freedom? of all evil- natural evil, moral evil, the evil of the hell we bring upon ourselves-and the ...
166 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations verse of light. Sooner or later, the rational will must exhaust even its furthest reaches. I ...
Fourth Meditation: What Is Freedom? claimed it must, with most- or, at any rate, very many ... or, really, any- beings consigned ...
168 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations ness of Thomas's formulation, in a form so demure and tepidly dispassionate as to make cryst ...
Fourth Meditation: What Is Freedom? that does not serve an ameliorative purpose-as, by definition, eternal punishment cannot- sh ...
Apokatastasis: Four Meditations nal nature, some good end for rational intellects and wills that God in himself would be impoten ...
Fourth Meditation: What Is Freedom? way of thinking about God that is clearly antithetical to every- thing that the healthier Ch ...
Apokatastasis: Four Meditations I am going to do so again. Given how very radically the stan - <lard late modern concept of f ...
Fourth Meditation: What Is Freedom? 173 quires a belief not only in the reality of created natures, which must flourish to be fr ...
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