David Bentley Hart - That All Shall Be Saved
94 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations (Matthew 5:36; 18:34; Luke 12:47-48, 59). Nowhere is there any description of a kingdom of pe ...
Second Meditation: What Is Judgment? 95 within the embrace of an extravagant apocalyptic imagery that, in itself, has no strictl ...
Or: Apokatastasis: Four Meditations 2 Corinthians 5:14: ~ yap aya:7TY) TOV XptaTOV avvEXEL ~μos, Kp{vavTas TOVTo, oTt El', v1rep ...
Second Meditation: What Is Judgment? And: 2 Corinthians 5:19: ws OTl 0Eo<; ~v EV XpwT<jJ Koaμov I KaTal\l\aaawv \\ I EaVT& ...
Apokatastasis: Four Meditations God wished to make known what the wealth of this mystery's glory is among the gentiles, which is ...
Second Meditation: What Is Judgment? flesh, so that you have given everything to him, that he might give them life in the Age.) ...
100 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations El<; > vμa<; < ~ f-1,YJ \ /3 OVI\Of-1,EVO<; \I I TlVa<; a1TOI\EU > \I^0 ...
Second Meditation: What Is Judgment? And: C 0 1 ossians. 1:19-20: OTt " EV , aVT<{J , ~ EVOOKYJUEV ·~ / 1rav ~ TO \ 7TI\Yjpwμ ...
102 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations 1TOS Et<; avT~V {3ia,ETal. (Until John, there were the Law and the prophets; since then t ...
Second Meditation: What Is Judgment? 103 tween them. In so doing, apparently, we learn to wait on God in a salutary condition of ...
104 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations other set refers to that final horizon of all horizons, "beyond all ages," where even those ...
Second Meditation: What Is Judgment? 105 Only at the very end of these three stages, then -first the ex - altation of Christ, th ...
106 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations so. And though, admittedly, later tradition has tended to take these verses as referring onl ...
Second Meditation: What Is Judgment? 107 to my mind an intricate and impenetrable puzzle, one whose key vanished long ago along ...
108 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations believed in keeping the Law of Moses but who also believed that Jesus was the Messiah. It is ...
Second Meditation: What Is Judgment? 109 the saved and the damned-that will nevertheless be suc- ceeded by a new Age in which th ...
110 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations of scriptural prophecy regarding things to come would be well advised not to attempt to make ...
Second Meditation: What Is Judgment? 111 ment scholars tend to do, that the most obviously historically situated of these prophe ...
112 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations ture speaks of a restored creation, of a new Age of the world yet to dawn, and of a New Jeru ...
Second Meditation: What Is Judgment? 113 more in the New Testament, in the Letter of James. If there is any word in the text tha ...
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