David Bentley Hart - That All Shall Be Saved
114 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations (Mark 9:43-48), so perhaps the legend is correct. Then again, one need not necessarily read ...
Second Meditation: What Is Judgment? 115 he taught that, once their penance had been completed, those imprisoned there would be ...
116 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations henna's "fire" -itself only an image, surely-as one of anni- hilation or as one of purificat ...
Second Meditation: What Is Judgment? 117 lasis might have become a word for any sort of legal penalty; the evidence is mixed. Bu ...
118 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations necessarily requires purification instead of pardon. The texts of the gospels simply make no ...
Second Meditation: What Is Judgment? 119 Then again, we can grow quite attached to our ghosts. That little thrill of terror they ...
120 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations of a final divine reckoning for creation to denounce the injus- tices and follies of his age ...
Second Meditation: What Is Judgment? 121 than the difference between this age (in Hebrew, 'olam ha-zeh) and the Age to come ('ol ...
122 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations cessive state of duration (measured out by the sidereal rota- tions of the heavens) by which ...
Second Meditation: What Is Judgment? 123 dispensation: this present age of the world, for instance, or the age of the world to c ...
124 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations that Satan's kingdom will last only till the end of the present "age." And, if one is willin ...
Second Meditation: What Is Judgment? 125 tendency of earlier Protestant scriptural scholarship to treat first-century Judaism in ...
126 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations New Testament. Take, for example, the Greek phrase EL'> Tov aLwva (eis ton aiona), which ...
Second Meditation: What Is Judgment? 127 nificance it surely possessed in Christ's time. The issue then is not one of how long, ...
128 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations time is the promised cry of Christ that will one day raise the dead. Then again, perhaps eve ...
Second Meditation: What Is Judgment? 129 crossed between that next or higher aeon and the eternal life of God "beyond all ages." ...
Third Meditation What Is a Person? A Reflection on the Divine Image I I shall begin with a quotation from Pascal's Pensees, one ...
Third Meditation: What Is a Person? n'est inconcevable a l'homme. (ยง122 in the current Pleiade edition) (This effluence appears ...
132 Apokatastasis: Four Meditations Admittedly, it is difficult not to admire the sheer ingenuity with which, having arrived at ...
Third Meditation: What Is a Person? 133 the Christian moral imagination than the Apostle Paul, since it was the violent misprisi ...
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