Thinking, Fast and Slow
background. Kuran and Sunstein focused on two examples that are still controversial: the Love Canal affair and the so-called Ala ...
problem. The net effect of the incident on public health was probably detrimental because fewer good apples were consumed. The A ...
Slovic rightly stresses the resistance of the public to the idea of decisions being made by unelected and unaccountable experts. ...
Tom W’s Specialty Have a look at a simple puzzle: Tom W is a graduate student at the main university in your state. Please rank ...
Tom W is of high intelligence, although lacking in true creativity. He has a need for order and clarity, and for neat and tidy s ...
(“little feel and little sympathy for other people”). Professional stereotypes appear to have changed little in the nearly forty ...
rate, it would have to be Robyn. I called Robyn over, gave him the question I had just typed, and asked him to guess Tom W’s pro ...
probability of events, no one ever raised a hand to ask me, “Sir, what do you mean by probability?” as they would have done if I ...
Young men are more likely than elderly women to drive aggressively. In all these cases and in many others, there is some truth t ...
effect. An experiment that was conducted a few years ago with Harvard undergradut oates yielded a finding that surprised me: enh ...
probability stay close to the base rate. Don’t expect this exercise of discipline to be easy—it requires a significant effort of ...
that intuitive impressions of the diagnosticity of evidence are often exaggerated. The combination of WY SIATI and associative c ...
Linda: Less Is More The best-known and most controversial of our experiments involved a fictitious lady called Linda. Amos and I ...
bank teller is not a feminist activist, and adding that detail to the description makes for a more coherent story. The twist com ...
of Business, all of whom had taken several advanced courses in probability, statistics, and decision theory. We were surprised a ...
contrast, required an explicit comparison that mobilized System 2 and allowed most of the statistically sophisticated students t ...
The two questions have the same logical structure as the Linda problem, but they cause no fallacy, because the more detailed out ...
in a real market for baseball cards. He auctioned sets of ten high-value cards, and identical sets to which three cards of modes ...
misinterpretation of probability, we constructed a problem that required probability judgments, but in which the events were not ...
The incidence of errors was 65% in the group that saw the problem on the left, and only 25% in the group that saw the problem on ...
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