60 | RETRO GAMER The many sprites you’ll encounter on the dusty highway ThTheemamanynyssprprititesesyyouou’llllenencocoununteter ...
ULTIMATE GUIDE: ROAD RUNNER RETRO GAMER | 61 Before the coin-op there was... something different. ROAD RUNNER 5200 T he Atari co ...
62 | RETRO GAMER Classics featuring the Looney Tunes mob ESSENTIAL TOONS THE BUGS BUNNY CRAZY CASTLE Format: Game Boy Year: 1990 ...
ULTIMATE GUIDE: ROAD RUNNER RETRO GAMER | 63 ACCELERATTI INCREDIBILIS ■ Don’t race too far in front of Wile E. If he disappears ...
J ulian Gollop has always been interested in a certain kind of game. Over the course of his career, he’s continued to riff-on, e ...
FROM THE ARCHIVES: MYTHOS GAMES of sight system – that was not in Rebelstar, but we put it in Laser Squad, which was a big innov ...
LORDS OF CHAOS QReleased for 8-bit systems in 1990 and 16-bit systems in 19 91, Lords Of Chaos was a sequel to Chaos: The Battl ...
UFO: ENEMY UNKNOWN QAlso known as X-COM: UFO Defense in the US, this is Mythos’ defining game. You control the X-COM organisati ...
INNOVATION QThe hidden sight system introduced by Mythos is just one example of the innovative systems Mythos Games introduced. ...
BOARD GAMING QThe influence of tabletop gaming in the titles Mythos produced is huge and clear to see, especially in the studio ...
T H E M AKIN G O F We strap on some skates and grab onto the tail-end of Dave Warfield’s car to ask him about the creation of th ...
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA QAs the first stage, this is naturally the easiest with only one lane of traffic and fewer obstacle ...
talked to those guys quite a bit about the types of tricks that they were able to do, and that sort of thing.” This is where the ...
the player could upgrade their equipment as they progressed. “That wasn’t in the original design,” Dave adds, “and we started lo ...
» RETROREVIVAL SATURN 1996 TECHNOSOFT Recently I was lucky enough to pick up a very reasonably priced PVM. It’s a Sony Tri ...
■ Sometimes we think of Guardian and weep for what could have been. It crept out as a CD32 exclusive in December 1994, a full ei ...
DEFENDER ARCADE Q Guardian... Defender... geddit? Acid Software’s magnum opus is a barely disguised love letter to Eugene Jarvis ...
■ The CD32 version of Soccer Kid adds an animated intro with a plucky voiceover detailing the absurd plot: aliens have stolen th ...
MINORITY REPORT: NAOMI AND ATOMISWAVE ■ Before Sea of Thieves, there was Pirates! from Sid Meier. And slightly after Pirates! (b ...
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