The Facts On File Algebra Handbook
principle of mechanics, which he believed to be part of the mathematical sciences. He is most known for his work on the equilibr ...
flooded fields or the hold of a ship. Archimedes devised propositions to determine AREAs (CIRCLEs, PARABOLA) and RATIOs, and wor ...
LOGARITHMs from 1 to 108000, invented a cowcatcher for the front of a train, invented colored lights for the theater that were n ...
l’intelligence des lignes courbes.But Johann also tried to steal credit for work on kinetic energy from another Bernoulli, his s ...
BOOLEAN ALGEBRA, in which he used letters to represent statements that may be true or false, and which is the foundation of the ...
from many years of gambling away his money, his wife’s jewelry, and the family’s furniture. His best-known work, Artis magnae si ...
on work by ARCHIMEDESand Kepler, in which he initially proposed that a line is made up of an infinite number of points, and a PL ...
courbes algébriques.He wrote many papers and articles, including one that discussed the importance of multiple witnesses in lega ...
the structure of the universe. It was ready for publication in 1633, but news of GALILEO GALILEI’s arrest was enough to keep Des ...
Theorem. He also gave us the definition of a FUNCTION, which we still use today. Other important work includes analytic number t ...
Euler, Leonhard (Leonard Euler) (1707–83) Swiss mathematician noted for contributions in nearly every branch of mathematics. Eul ...
Fefferman, Charles Louis(1949– ) American mathematician who began college at the age of 12, graduated at 17, received his doctor ...
EQUATIONs, in which he used a formula that was much like the one used by Babylonians to solve QUADRATIC EQUATIONs. GIROLAMO CARD ...
of heat, and wrote a paper entitled On the Propagation of Heat in Solid Bodiesin 1807, which he later expanded to include coolin ...
the age of 70 he was forced to recant his beliefs under threat of death by torture. He was condemned to house arrest, and was no ...
published his book Disquisitiones Arithmeticae,which was a breakthrough in number theory that explained the use of imaginary and ...
assuming the identity of a male student, Monsieur Le Blanc, who had left Paris, and studying mathematics at the Ecole Polytechni ...
Harriot, Thomas(1560–1621) British explorer, astronomer, and mathematician who never published any of his work during his lifeti ...
He was the first to describe a location on the planet according to its longitude and latitude, and the first to introduce that a ...
dealt with Indian mathematics, specifically the numbers one through nine, the concept of ZERO, and the DECIMALsystem. His work m ...
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