The Facts On File Algebra Handbook
Kantrovich, for independently developing the work of linear programming, a method of mathematically solving the allocation of re ...
career by LEONHARD EULER, who helped him secure a position as a mathematics professor at the age of 19. Lagrange’s work included ...
about calculus from letters he and Newton exchanged. Many, including Newton, believed this to be the case. JOHANN BERNOULLIjumpe ...
of Hanoi, and wrote a classic book on “recreational” mathematics called Récréations mathématiques. Maclaurin, Colin(1698–1746) S ...
which includes the study of curves as related to POLYNOMIALs. Mori won the prestigious Fields Medal in 1990 for work he did over ...
university until the late age of 18, entering Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1661. Despite his mother’s wealth, his status was t ...
overthrew King James’s regime, Newton was rewarded for his stand by being appointed to Parliament in 1689. Four years later, in ...
mathematical studies at the age of 20, and eventually became a mathematics tutor. Although nursing was considered a disreputable ...
and proposed using a GRAPHfor plotting VARIABLEs. He taught against Aristotle’s astronomy more than 100 years before the birth o ...
THEOREMknown as Pascal’s Theorem when published in 1779. At 18 he invented the first digital calculator. Pascal was intrigued wi ...
He approximated the VALUEof piat 3.1416, calculated the length of the year, and devised the Ptolemy Theorem used in trigonometry ...
career to algebraic logic. Her dedicated work in this field led to major contributions in theoretical computer science, and ulti ...
Rheticus, Georg Joachim von Lauchen (Georg Joachim Iserin, Georg Joachim de Porris)(1514–74) German Renaissance man of science w ...
much of his thinking, and is credited for laying the foundation for much of Einstein’s work in physics. Ries, Adam (Adam Riese)( ...
Tartaglia, Nicholas (Niccolo Fontana, Niccolo Fontana of Brescia) (1499–1557) Italian mathematician most noted for his infamous ...
Theon of Smyrna (The Old Theon, Theon the Mathematician) (ca. 70–135) Greek mathematician who wrote a textbook on arithmetic tha ...
of Berlin for chemistry. He never attended classes at Budapest, but did the work in his spare time while pursuing his chemistry ...
through his university studies with any education at all, and with the help of others he began working as a schoolteacher. Weier ...
for their importance in many areas, including a method of studying mathematics that, in the words of a reviewer, “is based on re ...
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