Algebra 1 Common Core Student Edition, Grade 8-9
t Got It? 2. W hat are th e solutions of - y < — 1? G raph an d check. Solving inequalities using division is sim ilar to sol ...
Think H o w is th is in e q u a lity different from the o n e in P ro b le m 3? The coefficient is negative. You can s till use ...
Text M essages Text m essages cost $.15 each. You can sp en d no m ore th a n $10. How m any text m essages can you send? Aquar ...
Open-Ended W rite an inequality th a t can b e solved by dividing by a negative n u m b e r a n d h as the solution x < |. ...
Concept Byte Use W ith Lesson 3-3 More Algebraic Properties Common Core State Standards Prepares for A-REI.B.3 Solve linear equa ...
Concept Byte Use W ith Lesson 3 -4 Modeling Multi-Step Inequalities @ Common Core State Standards Prepares for A-REI.B.3 Solve l ...
Goal Solving Multi-Step Inequa ities Ob ject ives To solve m ulti-step inequalities Common Core State Standards A-REI.B.3 Solve ...
G o t It? 1. W hat are th e solutions of th e inequality? C heck your solutions. a. - 6 a-7 <17 b. -4 < 5 -3 « C. 5 0 > ...
Think You can use reasoning and guess-and-check to solve th e problem. If either 9 o r 10 is a solution, a t least one o ther an ...
Thii^k Is th e r e a n o th e r way to solve this inequality? Yes. In s te a d o f u s in g th e Distributive Property, you can ...
Pr act i ce an d Pr o b l em - So l v i n g Ex er ci ses ^ pr actIos Practice Solve each inequality. Check your solutions. See P ...
Rental Rat es The s tu d en t council w ants to re n t a ballroom for th e ju n io r prom. The ballroom 's rental rate is $1500 ...
0 Error Analysis Describe and correct the error in each solution. 4>c+ 4 < -3v>^ 6 *Kp + 3 ) > 4p 4yX|y + (^2) ...
Mid-Chapter Quiz ^ MathXL for Schooljr Go to^ Do yo u k n o w H OW? Write an inequality that represents each ve ...
Working With Sets Common Core State Standards A -R E I.B .3 Solve linear equations and inequalities in one variable, including e ...
& G o t It? 1. NTs th e set of even n atu ral n u m b ers th a t are less th a n or equal to 12. How do you write N in roste ...
W hen w orking w ith sets, you call th e largest set you are using the universal set, or universe. The com plem ent of a set is ...
<9 Lesso n Ch eck Do y o u k n o w H OW? How do you write "G is th e set of odd natural num b ers th a t are less th a n 18" ...
0 Apply @ 29. Think About a Plan Universal set U a n d s e t A are defined below. W hat are the elements of A'? U = {days of th ...
Ch all en g e 50. Reasoning W ithout listing each su b set of a set, how can you d eterm in e th e n u m b e r of subsets th a t ...
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