Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man
while she’s out having fun the parachute wire jams and next thing I know she’s flying into walls, or she’s diving and the scuba ...
But I contend they don’t do the things that real men are expected to do because no one—especially, women—requires it of them (se ...
3 The Three Things Every Man Needs W omen are complicated creatures. You need stuff. Lots of it. And you expect your man to prov ...
The old man—he’ll sit around the house with you, spend his pension check on you, hug you, hold you, give you comfort, and won’t ...
anteed, even once their needs have been met. We fully recog- nize that you maintain the right to change at any time the perimete ...
the house ready to battle. He might have a job where three people can walk by his desk and give him a pink slip at any given mom ...
when you go to church!” I internalized the message—if I got a fresh haircut and I put on a nice suit, my mother would compli- me ...
rstand that our love is wholly different from a woman’s love. A woman’s love is emotional, nurturing, heart- felt—sweet and kind ...
. Men. Need. Sex. We love it. Ain’t nothin’ on this planet like it, nothing else we want that bad on a continu- ous basis, nothi ...
clubs, the country club, the Elks, the Masons, frats—the whole of a man’s world is built on these three principles. There’s not ...
weeks, or your monthly is on the way, your hormones are acting up and you’re not in the mood. But the excuses can’t go on foreve ...
you hit the road for that rush-hour commute to work, gone to battle with your co-workers and boss for eight hours with noth- ing ...
doing. And if I were in their bedroom before all of the ugliness from his cheating ways went down, I would have given them what ...
for us, cook dinner every night, and make sure our favorite peanut butter is in the cabinet to show us that you’re paying at- te ...
4 “We Need to Talk,” and Other Words That Make Men Run for Cover W e need to talk.” For a man, few words are as menacing as thos ...
one of your girlfriends. Ever. It’s just not in our DNA to lounge around, sip coffee, and dab at our eyes with tissue as if we’r ...
“The blue one—you know, the one with the orange flower print? I got it from that store across town? On sale?” “You mean the one ...
machine and wouldn’t you know that heiffa had on the same shirt as me?” “Really? Don’t wear it anymore.” End of conversation. It ...
we demand. There’s no discussion about how he felt when he hit the ground—nobody’s asking him to talk about whether he’s too sca ...
I just can’t stand this kitchen this way. The color just throws me all off, the cabinets are all wrong, they don’t go with the s ...
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