Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man
9 Men Respect Standards— Get Some T here are a few things you should know about my wife, Marjorie: She is incredibly talented an ...
and said, “You don’t know me.” But I didn’t care and I told her as much. I knew right then and there we were going to be mar- ri ...
acting like she did. I should have known better, though. She’s got that “mother” hearing—doesn’t miss a thing. And sure enough, ...
dedicated husband and father. She also knew this man had to be faithful, love God, and be willing to do what it took to keep thi ...
up for the challenge—not two weeks into the relationship, not two months after we’ve had sex, not two years after we’ve said “I ...
I have kids and they’re number one in my life because my par- ents raised me to understand the importance of family.” Now, he kn ...
Instead of saying, “If you’re dating and sleeping with other women, I am not the one!” say something like, “I’m always honest wi ...
Tran sl ation : You’ve made clear that you’re a God-fearing, churchgoing woman who knows the Lord and takes her faith seriously, ...
you’ve done so by disguising them in a whole lot of pretty talk. It’s like grape-flavored cough syrup; it’s still medicine, but ...
He did everything you like because you told him what you like. My philosophy? Instead of telling him what you like, tell him wha ...
dedicate all of his attention to your time together. And then if he doesn’t step up to the plate—if he doesn’t show you that he’ ...
What level of commitment do you expect? (Do you want an open relationship? Or to date exclusively? Should it be up for discussio ...
Can you help a man build his dream? Can you adapt to his plan? What do you expect of his family? (Should you get along with his ...
10 The Five Questions Every Woman Should Ask Before She Gets in Too Deep I had just gotten to Hollywood and I was seeing a lot o ...
mean, he wasn’t the best-looking dude in the business—there were others with more money, more prestige, and certainly better loo ...
And the more I asked the same questions of guys in similar situ- ations, I heard the same answer, again and again. And each time ...
get what they want is much more productive than sitting around being too scared to take a shot. The same philosophy can easily b ...
stick around to see where your relationship goes, or if you should run really fast in the opposite direction. Note: There’s no n ...
If he’s got a plan, well great. Act like you’re superinter- ested and ask follow-up questions—be the inquisitive, en- thusiastic ...
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