Oatmeal How a Weed Grew into a Health Hero By Kate Lowenstein and Daniel Gritzer Oats. A grain, which in England is generally gi ...
At first, shoppers were resistant. But when the Civil War broke out and the Union started buying me to feed its soldiers, demand ...
to digest, don’t spike your blood sugar, and am even more likely to lower your cholesterol. You’ll find my steel-cut grains sold ...
Scientists Wipe Out Disease-Carrying Mosquitoes Although the majority of mosquitoes don’t spread diseases, the three most deadly ...
ORANGES WARD OFF MACULAR DEGENERATION An orange a day might keep macular degeneration away, according to a study of more than 2, ...
New Blood Test for Melanoma Melanoma is the most lethal skin cancer, responsible for more than 7,200 deaths each year. Early dia ...
HOW DO YOU KNOW SHE’LL LOVE THE TASTE OF NATURAL? THE CHOW IS HOW. With real chicken. No artifi cial fl avors or preservatives. ...
never give birth. I was only 29, but doctors said that I had too many med- ical challenges to conceive, let alone carry a child ...
baby nestled in the arms of a woman with white hair tied back in a bun. His head rested on her shoulder, and on his backside was ...
“Are you thinking what I’m think- ing?” he whispered. We picked up our coats and, with our fingers interlaced, walked to the are ...
You Lucky Dog Vegas slot machines clanged nearby as we sat with 20 strangers, linked only by our mutual interest in gambling. Wh ...
I saw a documentary on how ships are kept together. Riveting! —Stewart Francis, comedian I told you I’ll be there in five minute ...
Your joke could be worth $$$. For details, go to rd.com/submit. He died doing what he loved: typing his symptoms into WebMD inst ...
USE OF MYRBETRIQ (meer-BEH-trick) Myrbetriq® (mirabegron) is a prescription medicine for adults used to treat overactive bladder ...
Like us on Facebook and visit Myrbetriq.com Myrbetriq may cause allergic reactions that may be serious. If you experience swelli ...
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Reader’s Digest No. 4 Why Yo u r Knees Crack ...
COVER STORY Your fingerprints can predict some health issues. Looking at the sun can make you sneeze. You grow a new skeleton ev ...
Science Knows Why ... You get goose bumps. When you feel a chill or see something scary, your body releases a surge of adrena- ...
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