“IMMORTAL” JELLYFISH Could this tiny jelly hold the secret to curing cancer? Smaller than a pinkie nail, this creature has the B ...
GIANT OARFISH These snakelike creatures are the longest bony fish on Earth—they can grow to up to 56 feet. But they live at dept ...
W CHALLENGER DEEP This spot in the ocean near Guam is the deepest point on Earth—nearly 7 miles down. (Mount Everest is only 5.5 ...
82 april 2019 | rd.com MILKY-SEA PHENOMENON Since the 17th century, sailors have reported en- countering swaths of sea with a st ...
BLUE WHALES The largest animal in history, the blue whale has a tongue that can weigh as much as an entire elephant. Still, scie ...
By The Javna Brothers adapted from the book life is a joke Some jokes just make you chuckle, and thank goodness for them. But so ...
illustrations by Ryan Johnson Grandma loses her temper—and her grandson. ...
2 Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Wat- son go on a camping trip. After a good dinner and a bottle of wine, they retire for the night. So ...
Holmes and Watson’s not- so-excellent camping adventure ...
Hey, buddy, take a look in the rearview mirror! ...
The kid takes the one-dollar bill and leaves the shop. “See?” the barber says, laughing. “The dumbest kid in the world.” The cus ...
adapted from the book life is a joke, copyright © 2017 by gordon and john javna. reprinted with permission of workman publishing ...
Please don’t come to my garage sale if you’ve ever let me — My husband is so good at home repairs that they have a special VIP a ...
92 april 2019 ...
By Susan Orlean from the book the library book The magic of these book-lined buildings— palaces, really— filled my childhood wit ...
I grew up in libraries, or at least it feels that way. I was raised in the suburbs of Cleveland, just a few blocks from the bric ...
my parents had ended up with. There were some travel guides, some coffee- table books, a few of my father’s law books, and a doz ...
textbooks was what got me going. All I know is that I lost my apprecia- tion for the slow pace of making your way through a libr ...
garbage collector or a police officer, but he said he wanted to interview a librarian. We were so new to town that we had to loo ...
excerpt from the library book, copyright © 2018 by susan orlean. reprinted with permission of simon & schuster, simonandschu ...
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