A History of the World From the 20th to the 21st Century
an overwhelmingly peasant country. But he believed, thus squaring these facts with Marx’s analysis, that the revolution in backw ...
If the war had come to an end in 1917, if the con- flict had been decisively won by either the Allies or the central powers eigh ...
and prosperity threatened by events elsewhere in the world. Because of the realities of American politics, the decision for war ...
Even so, President Wilson still maintained a separate status on behalf of the US. He did not simply join the alliance; the US be ...
By the autumn of 1917 three of the now six great powers at war were on the point of military and economic collapse. The Austrian ...
ial Germany’s last bid for victory, though the Allies, commanded now by Marshal Ferdinand Foch, did not know it. The Allied coun ...
The history of the period from the armistice in November 1918 until the conclusion of the majority of the peace treaties a year ...
be harsher still if the kaiser remained in power, the generals themselves had cooperated in persuading the kaiser to abdicate an ...
over Germany in November 1918 ‘workers’ and soldiers’ councils’ formed themselves sponta- neously. The movement began in Kiel wh ...
bitterness among the working people, split the Socialists and so, in the end, helped the right-wing extremists to power. The com ...
One of the few undertakings of the Allies, and incorporated in the Fourteen Points, was to reconstitute an independent Polish na ...
1 Dublin London Paris Oslo Berlin Cologne Warsaw Rome Athens Madrid Algiers 0 1,000 miles 0 1,000 km Tripoli Tangier Bucharest S ...
and its industries revive. Opportunities would arise to modify or circumvent the restrictions imposed by the ‘dictated’ Versaill ...
Russia was openly hostile both to the victors and the vanquished of 1918. They were all, in Lenin’s eyes, imperialist bourgeois ...
disciplined and frequently insubordinate troops was Admiral Kolchak. The Allies had first inter- vened in Russia in the hope of ...
over the Slavs, or even that they could have done so as late as 1917. The Monarchy was tied to dualism. Outside the Monarchy, ém ...
of the inhabitants. Iraq and Palestine became British mandates and Syria and Lebanon, French. Within a few years, the Arab state ...
gap between the utopian aims of the League and realistic national policies. Wilson rejected the compromise of accepting Senate r ...
reservations than, in practice, the other great powers demanded for themselves. The treaty of alliance with France signed togeth ...
Even before the outbreak of the war, the more dis- cerning conservatives such as Bethmann Hollweg recognised that imperial Germa ...
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