A History of the World From the 20th to the 21st Century
often asked, are in fact somewhat unreal. What mattered to Mussolini now that he had attained power was to retain as much of it ...
elections within the party were henceforth ended; the party was organised from above with Musso- lini as its supreme head. Withi ...
which the dictators in the end committed. Official Catholic protest tended to be muted (more so under Pius XII after 1939 than u ...
The despair of poverty is hard to imagine for those who have never suffered it. A decade after the conclusion of the Great War t ...
First World War. Britain, for example, continued to rely on textile, coal and shipbuilding industries of the first industrial re ...
Germany not only financed this modernisation by attracting loans from the US but also paid off reparations from loans. Other Ame ...
transformed economic activity and absorbed the unemployed to feed the war machine. Such a long and deep depression was a new exp ...
in which France had attempted to reassert its standing as a great power in Europe, and coin- cided also with the time when the d ...
deals. In January 1934 he shot himself, and the police, who could have saved his life, allowed him to die. It was rumoured that ...
The right now assailed Blum, who headed the Popular Front government, not only for serving as a cover for the communists, but al ...
of Britain’s social and economic difficulties. Indeed, it is difficult to think of any two decades of British history where ther ...
policies was defeated at the party conference in October and further efforts to change the party’s policies proved fruitless. Hi ...
1930s had he not quarrelled with Baldwin and the Conservative majority when the Conservatives were still in opposition over how ...
alone that ‘cured’ unemployment in Britain and the US. The social consequences of the depression, the despair of the unemployed, ...
For once a utopian vision seemed to correspond to reality. Sweden and its people prospered. Swedish research, technology and des ...
income. But the funds thus pumped into the economy were overshadowed by the stringent credit policies followed by the banks, par ...
was something else about him. Crippled by polio in 1921, he had lost the use of his legs. Now, as president, he personified the ...
spent on the programmes of the New Deal were balanced by savings secured by reducing veterans’ allowances, curtailing unemployme ...
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