Ghosts of Saltmarsh
STORAGE CAVERN This cavern, like the passage leading to it, is well lit by torches held in simple iron brackets around the wa ...
shattered. For now, Skerrin uses Petra's memory to fan Anders's antipathy toward the Sea Princes. Flaw. Due to a combination of ...
STOC K CAVERN . ' The passage widens to th e south at this point to form a small cavern. There are three bolts of cloth and fi ...
12 ~ MILITIA AND DEFENSE One hundred trained warriors serve in the town guard. Each of them wears studded leather armor marked w ...
It has been arranged (though this does not appear on the parchment) for the first signal to be repeated every 10 minutes for an ...
The docks have recently undergone a series of expan- sions intended to lure larger merchant vessels into the port. Two primary p ...
BURNING OR HOLINC T H E SEA GHOST Though it is possible for the characters to capture the Sea Ghost, they also might choose to d ...
11 casters are kept here, blindfolded and manacled. Occa- sionally Eliander uses this cell to conduct meetings that require the ...
1 square = 5 feet Q Door 0 Open Porthole ! Closed Porthole .. S Secret Door (J Roll of Cloth [J SinkorTub ~ Coil of Rope lJ ...
100 o I zr MllP 1.L • VILLAGE OF SAL T'>IARSH (^500) I ... SALTMARSH .. :~:.: - ..... _"~ ··~,,;;;:· •• t.- ~·· ·-- -~ ~ .~ 1 ...
height of 8 feet except for the bilge (area 16). which is 4 feet high. The cargo hold hatch in area 1 is closed but not fastened ...
Ill GREEN MARKET A strip of open land that is the place for everything that isn't fish, salt, or nautical wares, this market st ...
SHIP'S CALLEY A crude metal stove, not lit, leans against the hull. It has an adjustable metal chimney that can be p laced thr ...
Some of the dwarves associated with the new mining operation wouJd like to know how a human came into ownership of such fine dwa ...
This cabin is the private quarters of Punketah, the deck wizard. On a peg behind the door hangs a maroon robe, of no particular ...
PROCAN, SAILO R OF S EA ANO SKY Procan is a chaotic neutral deity of the sea and weather. He offers his clerics access to the Te ...
In the center of the cabin stands a long, plain wooden table with a bench along each of its longer sides. They all appear to be ...
BUYING AND SELLING MAGIC ITEMS Captain Xendros of the Faithful Quartermasters of Iuz has magic items for sale and can also broke ...
BosuN's CABIN In the center of the cabin sits a plain wood table on which stand a pewter Ragon and a pewter mug. Beside the ta ...
l!O WAGES AND RESEARCH You can spend a week working with Krag, helping tend the graveyard during the day and organizing Eliander ...
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