Ghosts of Saltmarsh
1 square = 5 feet Q Door 0 Open Porthole ! Closed Porthole .. S Secret Door (J Roll of Cloth [J SinkorTub ~ Coil of Rope lJ ...
Odium (cult fanatic) now lives in this storage area and is plotting his escape. He emerges hoping that the visi- tors will provi ...
height of 8 feet except for the bilge (area 16). which is 4 feet high. The cargo hold hatch in area 1 is closed but not fastened ...
108 Perception score of 16 or higher notices t he wire. A character who is searching carefully and who makes a successful DC 14 ...
SHIP'S CALLEY A crude metal stove, not lit, leans against the hull. It has an adjustable metal chimney that can be p laced thr ...
statue does not move until the undead have been turned or have joined battle against the intruders. The statue then attacks the ...
This cabin is the private quarters of Punketah, the deck wizard. On a peg behind the door hangs a maroon robe, of no particular ...
In the center of the cabin stands a long, plain wooden table with a bench along each of its longer sides. They all appear to be ...
"' ... CHAPTER 6: THE FINAL ENEMY HIS ADVENTURE BUILDS ON THE EVENTS OF two previous adventures, The Sinister Se- cret of Saltma ...
BosuN's CABIN In the center of the cabin sits a plain wood table on which stand a pewter Ragon and a pewter mug. Beside the ta ...
II:.! The lair is a three-level cave system inside a rocky is- land. Remarkably, the island seems to have sunk into the surroun ...
If invited to do so, he joins the characters with enthu- siasm and stays with them throughout the conclusion of this adventure. ...
The sahuagin have renovated the fortress to conform with their plans. The two lower levels of the fortress have been completed. ...
111 ~ MALEVOLENT DWELLERS OF THE DEEP The sahuagin are cruel and vicious in equal measure. Al- though they are humanoid in form, ...
CHAPTER 3: DANGER AT DUNWATER HE DISCOVERY THAT A COLONY OF LIZARDFOLK lies near the small fishing town of Saltmarsh and is purc ...
SAHUAGIN ROSTER, LEVEL^1 Area Occupants a t Start 6 sahuagin, 2 s ah. coral smashers,* 1 sah. champion* 2 2 sahuagin 12 5 sahuag ...
() ' POLITICS AMONG THE LIZARDFOLK Two political groups operate in the social structure of the Jizardfolk lair. On the one hand ...
116 ~ ' A rock outcropping thrusts up from the sea to form an is land here, just offshore. It reckons to be five hundred feet in ...
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