The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration
(the World Health Organization). Between 1989 and 1991, this joint project used the virus from the Edmon-ston-Zagreb (E-Z) Measl ...
occurred in Nazi Germany, where hundreds of thousands of Jews were destroyed? The difference is that it is legal and has spread ...
medical oath: “First, do no harm”? Vaccine investigator Neil Z. Miller questions whether we still need the polio vaccine when it ...
all life, including the tiniest cells within the body. All life has memory and emotions, right down to the smallest created subs ...
MODULE 4.5 Chemical Toxicity: Environmental, Hygiene, Household and Drug If you know anyone with chemical or environmental toxic ...
Propyl Alcohol Benzene Wood Alcohol Xylene Toluene Methyl ethyl Ketone (MEK) Methyl butyl Ketone (MBK) Methylene Chloride TCE IN ...
EVERYDAY CHEMICALS These are chemicals that you may be breathing, using, touching, etc. Aluminum cookware Household cleaners Aut ...
The are 275 substances on the current list from the ASTDR/EPA. 1. Arsenic 2. Lead 3. Mercury 4. Vinyl Chloride 5. Polychlorinate ...
Atrazine Damages kidney, liver, heart, lung, tissue; a known carcinogen. Alachlor Probably carcinogen. DDT and derivatives Liver ...
Sulfur Accumulative, allergies, lymphomas, kidney and intestinal impairment, and inflammation. Cadmium Brain, nerve, liver, panc ...
The U.S. Agriculture Department and independent research companies and organizations have reported that there are high amounts o ...
the glandular system. U.S. consumes 7000 tons per year. (CNN) Toxic Chemicals Educate Yourself About Toxic Chemicals EPA’s Drink ...
Carrageenan Found in: Cottage cheese, ice cream, sour cream, puddings, baby formulas. Properties: A thickening agent. Suspected ...
Properties: Thickening agent. May be linked to allergies and bowel disorders. Affects proper nutrient bioavailability Isopropyl ...
Properties: Thickening and filling agent. Alkali in sodium hydroxide. Suspected in causing lung damage. GI tract irritation, vom ...
Properties: Thickening agent. Affects endocrine function; has estrogenic effects; a suspected carcinogen. Propylene Glycol Found ...
Properties: Preservative. Banned in many countries. Suspected in birth defects and genetic conditions. Highly toxic. Sodium Laur ...
irritation. Occurs naturally in nature, in low doses and buffered. Toluene Found in: Nail polish, feminine products, as well as ...
Radiation is another high source of our cancers. Harmful radiation is found in dental offices and hospitals (with use of x-rays, ...
MODULE 4.6 Protecting Yourself From Carcinogens We are surrounded by and consume hundreds of carcinogenic substances each day. T ...
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