The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration
Sodium (Na) Acid/Alkaline: Alkaline-forming Food sources: All fruits and vegetables, especially dark green leafy ones, carrots, ...
low blood pressure, constipation, perspiration or diarrhea. A severe deficiency of sodium chloride could cause dehydration and d ...
bodies, including: aluminum, arsenic, barium, bismuth, beryllium, bromine, cadmium, chromium, copper, folic acid, fluorine, gall ...
Medications can deplete the body store of nutrient minerals or increase the levels of toxic metals. The well-known effects of di ...
used to preserve wood. Uses in the body: The role of arsenic in the body is unknown. In animal studies, arsenic was essential fo ...
Boron (B) Acid/Alkaline: Acid-forming Found in: Volcanic springs in Tuscany, as borates in hernite, and as colemanite in Califor ...
several enzymes. Deficiency: Anemia, muscle deterioration, hypertension, liver and kidney damage, zinc deficiency, arthritis, pn ...
impairment. Cobalt (Co) Food sources: All green leafy vegetables. Also, various fruits, vegetables and herbs. Toxic sources: Cob ...
of cancer. Deficiency: Copper settles in brain and ovaries. Can cause chronic diarrhea, burning sensation in throat and tonsils, ...
concentration in the water is only 11/2 times the RDA. Hot weather, drinking lots of water, and low protein diets increase fluor ...
deficiency may cause anemia or low red blood cell counts, constipation, mouth soreness, brittle nails, pale skin or difficulty i ...
problems such as hyperactivity in children), anemia, weakness, muscle deterioration, lethargy, mental impairment, abdominal disc ...
rate, mental impairment, grinding of teeth, fatigue and low endurance. Weak bone, hair and fingernails. Skin conditions. Concept ...
Molybdenum (Mo) Food sources: Brown rice, millet, dark green leafy vegetables, peas, legumes, beans, whole grains. Toxic sources ...
and kidney failure. The significance of these blood levels is not known. In contrast, elevated blood levels of nickel are associ ...
mouth, dermatitis and jaundice. Large overdoses can cause death. Silica or Silicon (Si) Acid/Alkaline: Alkaline-forming Food sou ...
and other chemicals. Can also be found in air, food and water supplies. Uses in the body: Required for glucose tolerance factor. ...
TISSUE SALTS IN BIOCHEMISTRY Tissue salts in biochemistry are the inorganic elements of the body. In 1665 an Englishman named Ro ...
Chloride of soda Other names: Natrum muriaticum, nat. mur., sodium chloride Found in these tissues: Found in all tissues and flu ...
Phosphate of potash Other names: Kali phosphoricum, kali. phos., potassium phosphate Found in these tissues: Skin and mucosa of ...
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