The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration
The uterus is a muscular, ear-shaped sac (or cavity) that becomes a “house” for a fertilized egg. it This hollow sac becomes the ...
outside air (food) to be brought into your body, and toxic gases and by- products to be exhaled or eliminated. The upper part of ...
Each divides into 2 to 11 alveolar ducts. Small fingers (extensions) of the main bronchial tubes that bring air into your lungs. ...
MODULE 2.13 The Skeletal System Your skeletal system comprises all the bones, cartilage, tendons and ligaments that make up your ...
The outer surface (or portion) of bones is more dense or compact than the inner portion. The inner structure (or portion) of a b ...
COMPACT BONE — Which consist mainly of solid matrix (mineral matter) and cells. The dense or compact portion of bones is made up ...
Bones, as any tissues, organs and glands of your body, are composed of cells. All cells in your body require an energy source (n ...
CHAPTER THREE The Foods We Eat N ow that we have learned what species we belong to, how our body works, and something about its ...
than that of raw foods. The reason is that when heat is applied to a compound its molecular structure changes somewhat, as elect ...
MODULE 3.1 Carbohydrates and Sugars and their Metabolism In Chapter Two we learned that a cell is like a self-sustaining city, b ...
After digestion breaks down complex sugars to glucose, this glucose is then absorbed into the blood from the intestinal tract. G ...
The grave mistake made by many who want to lose weight is in making the body burn protein for fuel. When the body is deprived of ...
Simple sugars also aid alkalization of the tissues, which is vital for tissue regeneration and vitality. As stated, fructose is ...
COMPLEX SUGARS Complex sugars are of two types—polysaccha-rides and disaccharides. POLYSACCHARIDES — A chain or series of linked ...
Maltose — from malt grains (germinated grains and seeds); 2 glucose molecules Lactose — from milk and dairy products; 1 glucose ...
above, your body cannot use a “protein” structure. Therefore, part of your digestive process will break these structures down in ...
convert peptones to polypeptides. IN THE INTESTINES — Intestinal enzyme peptidase converts peptones, polypeptides and dipeptides ...
site of a carbon chain has been bonded with a hydrogen atom, the chain—or fat—is considered saturated. These are generally consi ...
fatty acid. LINOLENIC ACID — Promotes nerve and brain function. ARACHIDONIC ACID — Promotes formation of prostaglandins, thrombo ...
of cholesterol and to make secretions, mucus, sebum, etc. SOURCES OF FATS The human body receives fatty acids in two ways: from ...
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