Yoga Anatomy
Notes If the latissimus dorsi are tight, the flexion and upward rotation of the scapulae are inhibited, and the lumbar spine mig ...
Chaturanga Dandasana Four-Limbed Stick Pose chaht-tour-ANG-ah dan-DAHS-anna chatur = four; anga = limb; danda = staff, stick E52 ...
Notes Weakness in the pose can appear in the lower body as lumbar hyperextension combined with hip flexion. To counter this, the ...
Bakasana Crow Pose, Crane Pose bak-AHS-anna baka = crow, crane, heron E5267/Kaminoff/fig11.5a/417796/alw/pulled-r2 Psoas major T ...
Notes In bird poses (crow, eagle, rooster, peacock, etc.), common factors are flexion of the thoracic spine, abduction of the sc ...
Parsva Bakasana Side Crow Pose, Side Crane Pose parsh-vah bak-AHS-anna parsva = side; baka = crow, crane, heron E5267/Kaminoff/f ...
Notes In this rotated pose the spine is more extended than in bakasana (page 232). If the knees separate in this pose, the rotat ...
Astavakrasana Eight-Angle Pose AHSH-tak-vah-KRAHS-anna ashta = eight; vakra = crooked, curved, bent Astavakra was a very learned ...
Notes This pose requires the same action in the spine as parsva bakasana (page 234), although the spine is often slightly more e ...
Mayurasana Peacock Pose ma-your-AHS-anna mayura = peacock E5267/Kaminoff/fig11.8/417801/alw/pulled-r2 Triceps brachii Spinal ext ...
Notes As in other bird poses (eagle, crow, rooster, etc.), mayurasana involves flexion of the tho- racic spine, abduction of the ...
Pincha Mayurasana Feathered Peacock Pose pin-cha ma-your-AHS-anna pincha = a feather of a tail; mayura = peacock E5267/Kaminoff/ ...
Skeletal joint actions Spine Upper limbs Lower limbs Extension Scapular upward rotation, elevation, and abduc- tion; shoulder fl ...
Notes With stability in the shoulder joints themselves (through the engagement of the rotator cuffs), the scapulae are free to m ...
Salamba Sirsasana Supported Headstand sah-LOM-bah shear-SHAHS-anna sa = with; alamba = that on which one rests or leans, support ...
Skeletal joint actions Spine Upper limbs Lower limbs Neutral spine Scapular upward rotation; shoulder flexion and adduction; elb ...
Notes For some, the ideal placement of the weight on the skull is on the bregma—the juncture between the coronal and sagittal su ...
E5267/Kaminoff/fig11.13a/417806/alw/pulled-r1 E5267/Kaminoff/fig11.13b/417807/alw/pulled-r2 Supporting the weight on the bregma— ...
Vrschikasana Scorpion Pose vrs-chee-KAHS-anna vrschana = scorpion E5267/Kaminoff/fig11.15/417810/alw/pulled-r2 Vastus lateralis ...
Notes Even though pincha mayurasana (page 240) is considered preparation for vrschikasana, vrschikasana can be an easier pose to ...
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