Yoga Anatomy
Anantasana Reclining Vishnu Couch Pose anan-TAHS-anna ananta = endless, eternal (anta = end, an = without) Ananta is also the na ...
Notes When the leg is lifted, the pelvis and lower body often roll backward. The challenge is to find the balancing movement thr ...
10 CHAPTER PRONE POSES P rone means lying in a facedown position. This is a position that everyone is able to maintain at birth, ...
Bhujangasana Cobra Pose boo-jang-GAHS-anna bhujanga = serpent (bhuja = arm, shoulder; anga = limb) E5267/Kaminoff/fig10.1/417779 ...
Notes It is important to find the deeper intrinsic back muscles to do the action of spinal exten- sion in this pose. Using the l ...
Many people assume the legs should be passive in cobra, but numerous actions in the legs are required to keep the joints in alig ...
Bhujangasana Variation With Knees Flexed E5267/Kaminoff/fig10.3/417781/alw/pulled-r1 Gluteus maximus Hamstrings Quadriceps Notes ...
Dhanurasana Bow Pose don-your-AHS-anna dhanu = bow E5267/Kaminoff/fig10.4/417782/alw/pulled-r3 Deltoid Pectoralis major Gluteus ...
Notes The fronts of the shoulder joints are structurally vulnerable in this position. If the scapulae are not mobilized in the d ...
Salabhasana Locust Pose sha-la-BAHS-anna salabha = grasshopper, locust E5267/Kaminoff/fig10.6/417784/alw/pulled-r3 Deltoid Trice ...
Notes It can be a challenge to lift the arms in this relationship to gravity, with the spine in exten- sion. If the latissimus d ...
Viparita Salabhasana Full Locust Pose vip-par-ee-tah sha-la-BAHS-anna viparita = reversed, inverted; salabha = grasshopper, locu ...
Notes What it takes to move into this pose is almost completely the opposite of what it takes to remain in it. Lifting the weigh ...
Breathing The standard instruction to inhale while entering into a back bend can be counterproduc- tive here. This is because a ...
11 CHAPTER ARM SUPPORT POSES I n spite of their obvious similarities, the upper and lower extremities of the human body have evo ...
Adho Mukha Svanasana Downward-Facing Dog Pose AH-doh MOO-kah shvah-NAHS-anna adho = downward; mukha = face; shvana = dog E5267/K ...
Notes There are many approaches to working with this pose. Fundamentally, it is a great oppor- tunity to observe the effects of ...
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana Upward-Facing Dog Pose OORD-vah MOO-kah shvah-NAHS-anna urdhva = rising or tending upward, raised, elevat ...
Notes If the goal is to have extension distributed throughout the whole spine, there will need to be more action in the thoracic ...
Adho Mukha Vrksasana Downward-Facing Tree Pose AH-doh MOO-kah vrik-SHAHS-anna adho = downward; mukha = face; vrksa = tree E5267/ ...
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